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Comment Re:Why is it news? (Score 1) 60

Because the past major revision upgrade of KDE was a disaster (KDE3->KDE4).
Because the KDE folks are putting a lot of work into their Wayland backend so they might push for inclusion of it early on as well.
It's contraversial because it has the potential to result in another round of great Linux Desktop instability.

Comment Re:Floppy disk? [OT] (Score 1) 368

I've been taking baby steps in assembly at the moment and I wonder a few things, I apologize in advance if this question makes you facepalm:

Then you're doing something horribly wrong and causing all sorts of stalls in the pipeline.

Are there any instructions that give direct insight into the state of the pipeline (like rdtsc for cycle count).
How do you distinguish slowness from faulty "branch prediction", pipeline woes or any other reason on any non trivial codebase ?

Comment Our tastes calcify (Score 2) 361

Our tastes don't really calcify we just don't have any buttload of free time anymore to go exploring new music. So
we stick with what we do know and like. It doesn't help that pop music is an even bigger marketing behemoth than before.
And the length of the monthly pop music carrousel keeps shrinking.

Comment Re:I'll bite (Score 1) 265

Because there's no such thing as an assignment operator in bash. Everything is a string token at first (even numbers aren't number unless you're in arithmetic evaluation context), and then tokens get interpreted in various ways once split by whitespace. x = 3 happens to be three tokens, the first one being the command 'x', the other two being parameters '=' and '3' to command 'x'. x=3 is one token and it doesn't mean assignment unless it's in the command preface where assignments take place.

Tomatoe Tomato.

Actually I also do $(($x+1)) as per example in (Arithmetic section)

But I think I will have to revise that behaviour as it could allow circular problems or "arithmetic injection". Thanks for making me aware of this.

Comment Re:I'll bite (Score 1) 265

The reason they have an IDE for it is because you can use it to do incredibly complex things, like design GUIs that tie in administration elements from Active Directory, SANs, switch configuration, virtual infrastructure configuration and deployment, and computer administration-- all in one language with a common syntax.

Why would you want to do that with a scripting language ? I thought that's what MMC was for.
While nice sed tetris isn't a good idea either.

Comment Re:1 year may have been enough (Score 1) 137

Does anyone have any insights into what that extended support actually provides. How many security patches
have there been released since ? To me it sound as a very expensive extra insurrance for when the house burns down and
people above you start to look for someone to blame.

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