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Comment Re:Cultural differences (Score 1) 153

"In China (and most east-asian cultures), you never disrespect rulers. It simply is not done, and they see it as a grave insult to the entire nation to do so."

      That's because the rulers of those cultures strictly killed any casual dissenters outright over thousands of years thereby breeding casual dissent out of the culture. East vs West is the "cathedral and the bazaar" in human cultures.

    Wow I made this political story opensource and slashdot relevant.

Comment Re:"Cultural arrogance" (Score 1) 153

"You can say whatever you like, your government won't try to stop you, but sling vile insults at some guy at the bar and you're liable to get a fist to the face in response."

    And the minute he got violent he was wrong. That's why in the eyes of the law it's assault. Physical actions generate responses. Ideas are just ideas until actions are taken and speech is just a medium for ideas, good or bad is irrelevant, but when actions are taken that's when it becomes important. You do understand that by advocating for consequences you're supporting the idea of thought police, don't you?

Comment Re:"Cultural arrogance" (Score 1) 153

"People listen and actually murder several million in your race/religion, get the fuck over it."

      They took direct violent physical action which harmed millions. They were wrong and should be punished.

"Speech is an act. It's a more powerful act in terms of efficiency than any sticks or stones. It has consequences - sometimes these consequences should involve legal sanctions, and often not, but there are always ethical consequences."

        Speech is a non-physical indirect exchange of ideas, that's it. Ethics is still about ideas. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." The minute someone takes physical action to harm someone else they are wrong. That's where consequences should be exacted, nowhere else. In order to have freedom of speech you can't have consequences otherwise speech won't be free as self-censoring will be the order of the day. Something we see a lot of anymore.

Comment Re:Wrong way of thinking. (Score 1) 628

"...elimination of any sort of forced labor obligation, including slavery, indentured servitude, debtor's prison, and conscription; minimal obstruction of immigration; no restrictions on hiring or firing people; no minimum wage or mandatory benefits; no restrictions on the trade or creation of capital; and no health or safety regulation of businesses that are below a certain threshold of deaths per hour worked."

      I see you haven't learned from history. We had all that in the 1800's. They don't call it the era of the 'Robber Barons' for nothing. How many people have to die to suit you? How many lives have to be damaged by 'sweatshop conditions' before it becomes too much? The reason current rules are in place is because of the abuses your system fostered.
      During that time the technological advancements were low hanging fruit requiring little more than basic knowledge that anyone could develop in a lifetime. Now, most real development requires generations of knowledge with associated costs and supports which business will not shoulder unless some kind of long term payoff or control(government) is in place if even then. So how do you expect development would continue?

Comment Re:Do we have reason to believe... (Score 1) 589

"but you should have some plan for keeping the kids from calling in new threats every day and shutting the school down permanently."

      I'm all for that. With the internet the damn brats could be taught at home and community centers for larger common needs(ex. equipped classrooms, etc) with less risk all around and no cost to anyone but the parents. I'd see my property taxes go down to nothing rather than shelling out thousands a year for other peoples spawn. But that would make sense, can't have that.

Comment Re:All current governments are obsolete (Score 1) 137

"all federal employees have to choose their plan from a plethora of private insurance carriers,"

    Well, except for congress and maybe the military.

You know this whole thing is about preventing U.S. access to the business records in tax havens right? Or other issues that businesses do by jumping countries to avoid government accountability.

Comment Re:I'd expect Fawkes masks to start making stateme (Score 0) 218

"back off on policing the world, and learn to live in a fricking budget!"

        Sure, any time you want to cede world dominance to China or Russia just go ahead. The USA is the biggest bad boy on the planet and that costs money and has responsibilities especially if we want to keep it that way. Don't want the cost and responsibilities that go with the job of top dog then give it up and suffer the consequences of living under Russian or Chinese rule. Damn cheap, short-sighted, self-serving fools.

Comment Re:Ahh the real reason Net Neutrality is built (Score 1) 156

"ISP: NO! We do not want to spend it. Screw you! We gave it to the CEO and shareholders so we could keep our bonuses."

        FED: -:FBI/Swat arriving:- -- In response to the previous and on-going investigations and your current response you're all under arrest. Your business and all your wealth(including personal/family/close friends/mistresses) is confiscated. Your corporate charter is revoked. And when the courts finish ruling the way we tell them to and running roughshod over your overworked court appointed lawyer we'll make sure your cellmate is Bubba/Bubbette - 'the wonder cock/pussy' for the start of your cell mate rotation.

(Bubba/Bubbette) This is the modern US, can't discriminate since many execs are now women.

Comment Re:Yes! (Score 1) 156

"Barack Obama basically just gifted 4 billion in taxpayer money to the Telecommunications corporations."

      The president doesn't give money, congress does. Blame them. Like during the Clinton era when congress gave billions to expand the internet to schools and the telcos gave themselves a big payday when they weren't buying each other and many rural schools don't have decent internet yet.

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