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Comment Gold vs. US Federal Reserve Note (Score 1) 695

Why would you be doing that? Libertarians are known for wanting to revert to the gold standard. You know, the one originally enshrined in the US Constitution that has long since been disbanded.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private gold ownership (except for the purposes of jewelery) in 1933. Think about that. Also, realize the Federal Reserve is a private entity not within nor controlled by the United States Government.

The US Constitution: Article 1, Section 10
"No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility."

According to the United States Constitution, the Federal Reserve Note is entirely illegal, unconstitutional and void.

Comment Re:stay out of business until 2017 (Score 1) 128

I'm not blaming either side for anything, the entire system is nearly completely corrupt. There is no government, just enforcers. I want people to stop telling themselves that the 90's were a good time under Clinton. He was just as bad as every other president. They're all bad.

Comment Re:stay out of business until 2017 (Score 2) 128

Instead of giving $3.5 trillion to the banks, he should have given it directly to the people that got screwed in this catastrophe. Obama has rewarded the banks for failing.

Of course, that mess was directly caused by the Clinton Administration's removal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.


Comment Star Trek Deep Space Nine Episode (Score 1) 888

I'm currently watching through the DS9 series. The other day I came across an episode, a two-parter, that was sort of shockingly close to reality. If started off with Cisco accidentally going back in time and ending up in our near future (within a few decades). The majority of the population had been moved into walled-ghettos because they didn't know what to do with all of the jobless people, so they hid them all away from the job-having class so as not to have to deal with actual social change.

I was sort of left in awe as the episode came out in the 90s yet felt very much similar to what might end up happening to Occupy Wall Street. They were certainly treated by the government in a *very* similar manner.


Comment Re: Game theory (Score 0) 261

What is bad for the economy is when the wealthy hoard money within corporate international banks who, instead of reinvesting locally like a credit union, loan the money to 3rd world businesses which then go on to undercut local sales for lack of environmental and human rights regulations.

Comment Re:Illegal eh? (Score 0) 138

The real problem is the fact that we have things like the "executive order". The executive order did not exist pre-civil war, which was not about ending slavery, but about ensuring the presence of a central banking authority.

Our United States is not the same as the one in the original Constitution, composed of voluntary States, but is founded upon General Orders 100 (a.k.a The Lieber Code), and most especially upon General Orders 100 Article 2:

"Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, except by special proclamation, ordered by the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war, when the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the conditions of the same. "

There has never been a "special proclamation, ordered by the commander in chief" or a "treaty of peace concluding the war", and all laws since then have been based upon this form of "martial law", and not the Constitution we have been taught about.


Comment Re:Dumb bitch. (Score 1) 464

I don't think we should throw her in jail/prison. That won't help much. I think we should put her through a two-week professional driver's course.

EDUCATION IS THE ANSWER - make it more difficult to get a driver's license by requiring serious driver's training, including proper etiquette.

We should also require by law that all new vehicles LOUDLY inform the user via auditory and visual mechanisms whenever they break the speed limit.

Comment Re:Government sells seized assets (Score 1) 408

Gold is merely a nice looking metal with few practical uses, but it is a finite metal that is based in reality, not in accounting or paper or some human made system, but in the very essence of our existence. It is rare and unique enough to make it of general interest, yet bountiful enough to use as currency.

The problem with gold, everyone says, is that it is just not easy enough to spend. You actually have to meet someone person to person, weigh out using a mutually trusted scale, and then pass over the goods. I personally consider this required face to face exchange to be a very significant feature in the currency, as I think it would be especially healthy for our society to be based on real things in general, not on ancient paperwork, convenience and legalese.

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