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Comment Re:# of viewiers? (Score 1) 197

Distract that annoying guy in meetings who always asks inane questions with a video of bunnies and kittens playing, while the rest of the group gets the real presentation. Another plus: he'll get reprimanded for smiling and giggling while you are showing revenue is down 20%.

Eight PHP IDEs Compared 206

snydeq writes "InfoWorld's Rick Grehen provides an in-depth comparative review of eight PHP IDEs: ActiveState's Komodo IDE, CodeLobster PHP Edition, Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT), MPSoftware's phpDesigner, NetBeans IDE for PHP, NuSphere's PhpED, WaterProof's PHPEdit, and Zend Studio. 'All of these PHP toolkits offer strong support for the other languages and environments (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL database) that a PHP developer encounters. The key differences we discovered were in the tools they provide (HTML inspector, SQL management system) for various tasks, the quality of their documentation, and general ease-of-use,' Grehen writes.'"

Comment Re:Humor? Entertainment? (Score 1) 1654

This woman chose to address her problem not by calling Verizon for help, not by contacting her school for help, did not contact Dell for help. (She called Dell before she got her laptop trying to change it to Windows but was persuaded against that - that is wrong but for other reasons).

In short, she chose not to solve her problems, but to blame someone else.

I wish some other journalist will investigate this story to find out the real story. This story is not very deep on details why she didn't ask for help. But it does make for a good venting thread :-)

Comment Good direction - lead by example (Score 1) 587

Our current leaders thinking of building more nuclear power plants while telling Iran that they can't also control their own energy destiny with their own nuclear power plants is a little two-faced. We should gain expertise in large-scale wind and solar and then sell that technology to them. Everybody wins - US is off foreign oil, US sells more technology broad, Iran gets clean energy production, the environment is better off, US-Iran relations are better, and there are no nukes hiding out there.

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