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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 1 accepted (9 total, 11.11% accepted)


Submission + - MySQL 5.5.0 Released (mysql.com)

Zontar The Mindless writes: "Despite all the recent excitement over MySQL, some folks have actually continued to write code, do QA and testing, write documentation, and all that other boring, mind-the-store stuff that people working in software projects generally do. The result is MySQL Server 5.5.0-m2; the "m2" tag means that it's the second milestone from the development trunk, code-named "Betony". This release can be considered beta quality; if you run into any bugs, please report them here.

This release incorporates the changes addressing scalability and performance issues and exploits advances in hardware and CPU design made in MySQL 5.4 (which isn't being developed any further). There's some shiny new goodies in "m2" as well, including: support for a semi-synchronous replication interface; support for the SQL standard SIGNAL and RESIGNAL statements; several enhancements to XML functionality, including a new LOAD XML statement; many new improvements in user-defined partitioning, including better support for date-based partitioning and partition pruning; and version 1.0.5 of the InnoDB plugin.

More info about MySQL 5.5.0-m2 is available in the changelog.

Download and enjoy!"

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