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Comment Re:what's Project Glass? (Score 3, Insightful) 140

Go easy on the guy. I'm no stranger to slashdot, but I had to run to google to verify that project glass was the VR glasses and not some other google project brewing in the labs. I had read about it at least twice, but find it so unappealing to me that I don't keep it in my mind for long.

This strikes me as a solution looking for a problem.

Comment Re:Looks like a fun weekend project. Trick is... (Score 1) 34

permanent magnet is fixed, coils rotate with LEDs. easy peasy. Think of it this way with a common DC motor: The shaft is clamped to the pole, and the body of the motor is attached to the propeller. So the wiring all lives on the propeller.

This is the sort of stuff you make in elementary or jr. high school.


Comment Re:RIM's Main Problem (Score 2, Interesting) 180

He may or may not be a troll, but I work for a HUGE company, and they dumped all the Crack-Berrys and went all-in on windows phones. I was not surprised that they did that, as we are microsoft to the core (with all the benefits that entails, like blue screens galore). Before the giant black-berry purge, I had not actually seen a windows phone in the wild.

Apparently our IT folks examined the smart-phone landscape and something (hopefully) smart pushed them to WP7. so the GP may have a point.

BTW, I hate the cut-off text of WP7, and would not buy one with my money.


Comment Re:Stupid ideas die with older generations (Score 1) 1359

I worry what the world will look like in 50 years.

I don't worry at all. Lots of those "special snowflakes" will be holding cardboard signs looking for work or a handout. Just like the burnouts from my era. My burnouts spent time smoking pot and not learning life skills, and "snotly" the home-schooled kid has spent too much time being brainwashed; the outcome is the same. No marketable skills == no job

Currently the unemployment rate is about 9%, but of college graduates in hard sciences and engineering, the rates are at or below 4%. (can't remember citation, read it a couple months ago). Snotly, screechy, and the other home-schooled social outcasts will be part of the 9% unless they can throw off the shackles and make something of themselves.

Comment Re:Why I don't believe the poll (Score 1) 1359


You are kindly invited to visit the midwest, a land of giant churches every couple hundred feet, and traffic cops assisting with the traffic snarls outside the church parking lots. I never would have believed it either until I moved to Indiana. Someday I hope to return to the first world.


Comment Streaming would be fine (Score 1) 722

I'd be super happy with the streaming only if they have more than a few titles available for streaming. I'd bet there would be a whole lot less rage if they said:

1) we are splitting the plans and raising the rates on the combination. But:
2) we are vastly increasing your streaming offerings so many of you will save money by streaming only.

The streaming offerings are crazy at times. For example they will have three of four disks of a series available for streaming, but they 4th is by mail only. WTF?!

I've got news for them: all the disks are available for streaming guys. And they are available for streaming for free...


Comment Carmel (Score 2) 1173

I've driven over a thousand miles in the last three years in the british isles, and I really like roundabouts. I also drive in Carmel IN several times a year, and roundabouts here are a whole different ballgame. The British isles have roads that are small and terrain that makes them not arrow straight (like in Carmel). Many british roads are only one lane with "passing places". These passing place roads would kill american drivers. So it seems that the British citizenry seem to understand that the road is not "theirs" and everybody is in this together. So there is a sense of cooperation.

The Carmel roundabouts are driven by people who are used to lanes that are 30 feet wide, and who have a sense of entitlement that their Yukon Denali is here now, and everybody better get out of the way. Then you throw in a mix of confused drivers and aggressive drivers, and the Carmel roundabouts aren't as enjoyable as the british ones.

But honestly, Must things suck in America compared to the british isles.

Don't get me started about the lack of proper transmissions here in the states; we apparently think our cars should be golf carts.


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