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Comment Re:Excellent! (Score 1) 366

Now if only it didn't suck.

I wish someone - even Microsoft - would come up with a decent alternative to Google. Being a monopoly is making them more and more corrupt, and by being the gatekeeper, they now own too much of the internet.

Try duckduckgo.com. It's pretty good

Comment CodeLite (Score 1) 1055

http://www.codelite.org/ Its the only IDE I've ever found comfortable to use on Linux. Eclipse isn't designed for C++ and feels clunky as a result. Code::Blocks was OK, but seemed to have too many bugs to make it usable. CodeLite on the other hand is designed for C++ and I haven't encountered any major bugs preventing me from using it productively.

Comment Mailinator (Score 2, Informative) 91

Whenever a site asks me to register before I can access content (and I don't mind my username/password being made public), I use http://www.mailinator.com/. You basically make.up.an.email.address@mailinator.com, and then head over to the site, type in your made up email address, and it shows you the last 5 (probably spam) messages it has received. Of course its totally unsecure (but that's sort of the point), so be careful what you use it for.

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