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Comment Re:a scientific approach in the land of personhood (Score 1) 374

If the biomatter belongs to a specific person

Things like clones and identical twins aside, the scientific way to attribute a certain glob of biomatter to a specific person with a high certainty would be DNA analysis.

The problem here is that this scientific way completely fails for fertilized eggs, as their DNA is clearly different from either biological parent.

Comment Re:Doesn' t the computer have a huge advantage? (Score 1) 89

The computer has no "tell"; but on the other hand, it probably can't read any human tells either.

I'm sure you could run a side-channel attack on the computer for tells, and I'm also sure the computer could be fitted with a camera and appropriate algorithms to read your heart rate, blood perfusion rate, respiration rate, rate of sweat production, etc, for information about your general level of anxiety, surprise, etc.

Comment Re:Idiotic (Score 2, Interesting) 591

You think imprisonment is reversible?

Less irreversible than execution. Also, it's easier for a person to sue for tons of money for wrongful incarceration than for the estate of a person to sue for tons of money due to wrongful execution.

And suing for lots of money is necessary to motivate the voters/taxpayers to keep the rate of wrongful convictions down. If wrongful convictions aren't freakishly expensive, there's no motivation.

Comment Re:I Will Never Understand (Score 1) 591

Why would anyone ever try to improve on the good old bullet to the head

Now let's see:

a) The method requires some skill on the executioner's side.

b) It's messy and doesn't leave a pretty corpse.

c) In some cultural contexts, death by bullet is considered too honorable for criminals.

d) It's quite destructive. If person-to-be-executed wants to donate their body to science, science gets a body with a hole in it and parts missing.

Comment Re:Risk Management (Score 1) 737

Airplane depressurization: "Put your own mask on before aiding others", including children.

In putting your own mask on first, you are thinking of the children. It takes more than one minute for permanent brain damage to occur due to hypoxia, but without a mask, you only have about 15-20 seconds of useful consciousness left in a worst case case scenario.

So, put your own mask on first, then you'll have plenty of time to put the masks on everyone around you, including children and people who didn't know the basics of respiratory physiology.

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