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Comment Re:Incidentally... (Score 1) 83

The harvesting and storage of naturally occurring ice was so successful that, for a somewhat surprising amount of time, it made manufactured ice uneconomic and, for an even longer period, on-site refrigeration hardware a very niche item(even after ice manufactured on large scale ammonia based systems replaced harvested ice, it still fed the same local market of that natural ice deliveries had)..

I don't know if it was the same in the USA but my dad tells me that dry ice was used for quite a long time after electric refrigerators were available because the electric supply was unreliable. Mind you he did live in Wales!

Comment Re:AI + organisations will be the real problem (Score 1) 688

Somewhat later they'll put up insurance for human drivers.

This makes not sense at all. Why would they increase insurance for humans? Do you think humans will become more dangerous and reckless than they are now?

I can see this happening through increased costs of accidents. There seems to be a trend towards increased litigation anyway, and once self-driving cars become the norm there will be an assumption that there is culpability on the part of the driver. They chose to drive themselves, despite having a safer option, so crashing and injuring others will be seen as something that could have been avoided. There is much likely to be a punitive element to compensation.

Comment The problem is the way we share the work (Score 5, Interesting) 688

Back in the 60s and 70s they used to say that computerisation would give increased leisure time, with many of us working a 4 day week with a 7 hour day. I read that the predicted reduction in employment happened. The only problem is that it is shared out in such a way that some people can't get work or have to work on "zero hours" contracts for whatever time is available. The rest are over-worked and spend even longer in the office than they did in the 60s and 70s.

Comment Re:Hope it won't happen in USA, again ! (Score 1) 158

There you go again with your infantile hatred. You've probably met more Muslims than you realise, and none of them wanted to kill you. Get a grip - you sound like a scared child throwing a tantrum.

So you're saying that if a Muslim held me hostage they would probably be nice and not have bad intentions? I think you need to get a grip if you think that hostage takers are likely to be nice. Of course from your previous comments I can see that it may be that your logic skills have been insufficient for you to comprehend the statement. Just to be clear it means:

I would prefer to be taken hostage by someone who (is a hostage taker AND is a wack-job)
to someone who (is a hostage taker AND is a Muslim)

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