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Comment Insanity, pure insanity. (Score 0) 625

If we cure narcissism, then we don't have to worry anymore about people who believe themselves so valuable as to be needed by the world forever. There is no mathematical reasoning that supports an immortal species, or even one that has extended their lifespan beyond three or four generations. Nature, at least on this planet, will not allow it.

Comment KW productivity (Score 0) 556

As a technical member of a highly specialized profession, you alone may be able to quantify your output, particularly if you work independently on projects. Measuring the productivity of knowledge workers for the purposes of assessing cost and improving efficiency has been a management problem since Peter Drucker began writing about knowledge workers and the knowledge economy in the 1950's. Your counter of beans should know that if he or she has had any formal management training or has picked up a book. This is also one of the problems that has plagued the information technology field due the difficulty in determining return-on-investment and setting budgets accordingly. Your manager has a challenge ahead if he or she is determined to attach a prod-o-meter to your seat. One of the methods commonly used is through trouble-call tracking systems, and measuring statistics such as calls closed and average time to closure. It is unreasonable at best and destructive at worst to assess performance of project-oriented workers using these metrics. YMMV.

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