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Comment Re: If it was a religion? (Score 1) 392

Wouldnt that make kernigham and ritchie gods?

Or jollitz and bsd alumni as prophets?

Developpers and sysadmins would be like angels or priests! Omg :( i ended up as a priest or angel all the way :(. Does that mean we shall launch a stupid crusade against windows and kill millions just to promote unix?

Comment hypocrites (Score 1) 415

Hypocrites, they used him for his brains, but couldn't allow him his sexuality. Turing was a true computer scientist :), in all the sense, even when it comes to being used by people in power and then ending up frustrated that no due respect is earned from the work done.

Whatever "pardon" or "distinction" one could give him now, is nothing but hypocrisy, the guy is long dead, we do not care about the pardon now, what has been done has been done, and the grudge must always be present against people in power that keep on doing such things over and over.

My opinion is that the government wants the vote of gays and the support of computer scientist (:p No clue why computer scientists :p) .

Comment UN? (Score 1) 124

Can UN do anything about it if it was not respected? No they can',t so they should stop bullshitting people. UN is something that just meant for bureaucrats to get themselves fat and stuffed with donation money. Or for rich kids to join in so as they can feel they are doing something right in the world.

UN is dead, there's nothing to actually "save the world" anymore.

In Mauritius privacy laws, data protection agreement were just blatantly pissed up on, no one could do anything about it, because politicians wanted it this way, people complained, protested, but were any international instances [e.g UN] been able to do anything about it? Na, In life, if you don't have a big gun to show respect, :p you don't get to "vote to protect" iti s meaningless, it makes no sense, and holds no value.

pffft, UN, the myth of this century.

Comment Re:LOL WTF LMFAO (Score 1) 117

I guess those Koreans or Chinese who are running those C&C must be having the time of their life fapping over who is cheating with whom via reading the world's sms :p,

who knows, new category of porn soon:

"Click here to see sexy conversations between %person you want% and %other person you fantasize% online, for only $5/monthly and receive a free android device on booking for 5 years!"

Comment MisoSMS (Score 1) 117

"The mobile malware masquerades as an Android settings app used for administrative tasks. When executed, it secretly steals the user’s personal SMS messages and emails them to a command-and-control (CnC) infrastructure hosted in China,” the researchers reported."

The problem is with dumb users out there who just do not read the type of permissions required by apps they download versus the functionalities that it is supposed to give, that also without reading reviews and comments about it, such problems are bound to happen.

C&C exists because of irresponsible users, unfortunately, however care one can take, if the user themselves don't give much a damned about what they are installing and not giving a "grace period" to notice what each new app is doing for a period of time, we will keep having such problems.

Besides, that playstore thing, can't it have a peer review weightage on apps which helps flagging such stuffs and could potentially help in informing any users of such potential issues (granted, once you've been breached, you can't trust anything on that device.) Oh well, security keeps being a problem, so many years after, the problem is with the people not the software! +selven

Comment stop the hypocrisy (Score 1) 509

Everyone knows the NSA is a spying agency, you pay to feel secure that some agency is spying on terrorist or rival countries for you, isn't it a bit unfair to throw stones at the guy now, he is just doing his job. It is not as if he shall have to magically "come up with information", dirty things needs to get done to get the information needed, don't act like you didn't know the purpose of the NSA and don't act as if it is a surprise that americans had to be spied on, because you don't know where the enemy lies, most people would probably have just played dumb and ignorant if NSA's secret haven't been unveilled due to recent events, so why such rage now? Dismantle the organization if you fear for your privacy that much, then don't complain after attacks, maybe there are much better ways at being offensive or defensive without having to actually "spy" on people, why complain but still keep a big spy agency running? Spying to a kid's term is actually "stealing of information because of incompetency". Why simply not try to be better instead of having to infiltrate. Live and let live. Because if there is going to be some attacks on your civilization, then there probably will be, spying might help in knowing or preventing? by why not build better defense or frameworks to capture patterns of incoming attacks, the concepts of "spy" is an outdated model when we have so much processing power that can be used to anticipate attacks based on patterns in public informations.

Comment paradoxial (Score 2) 220

Agreed both Billgates and Zuckererg are great businessmen, but it is pushing it a bit too hard and too far to make them "exemplified coders", because on both of these characters resides charges (or rumors) of "having built an empire by taking other's codes". So I wonder what kind of good example that would be, "yeah son, steal or buy your friend's code, market it and be rich" :p, sure thing if you want to make your kid into a business man, bad if you want to have a bright kid just for the sake of brag right: "I fork problem solver"! +$3|v3n

Comment Re:Shows how screwed up society has become (Score 1) 1010

From the article, both seems to be major jerks, this could have been prevented if both didn't want to argue about who has got the biggest d!ck. But the, 15hours jail time + an arrest, when specifically there was no mention of a notice that said "electricity is not for the general public", that is enough to turn a good man into a killer :s, seriously, spending 15 hours of jail time and undergoing an arrest when i can't see me being at fault, anyone would stay by butchering the school principles, and whoever is incharge of that police station, maybe even the judge who dared do something so stupid :s. Then people complain that there are criminals. pfft. The create it.

Comment Shows how screwed up society has become (Score 1) 1010

This is a blatant example of how stupid people are getting day by day. Morons makes a big deal out of simple issue, I can sense authority abuse here when for something as minor (which would eat way too much tax payer's money into processing such a minor offense), Probably the cop was a jerk who wanted to show he had authority. Secondly, the entire population just stays silent and assumes it is normal that huge sums of money are being stolen by politics, fake contracts etc.. no news is made out of such major issues. It is pretty laughable at how humans have become like sheeps, feeling powerless against bigger issues and bike shedding over minor issues.

Comment Re: Not the only state with this law (Score 1) 670

Hmm land of freedom, biggest joke. When all those laws were passed where were you people? Lol you guys seems to have been conned by politicians to be having such laws where the state basically owns you. Ranting about it on the internet wouldnt fix anything now. You are part of the problem because you guys have contributed with your silence and innaction. It is pointless to now come forward and say that such laws are stupid.

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