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Comment Re:I get that for 20 Euro right now. Soon 10. (Score 1) 314

Actually the problem is cost and govt. regulations and ease of being able to stop things.

The NYC subway system was built when it was cheap(er) to do it. It would never ever be built today. The lawsuits alone would kill the project.

LA in comparison has mostly adobe in the ground making it very expensive to dig in the area. The cost of lawsuits and then federal govt. regulations make such an undertaking impossible. Look at how much the govt. interferes with just about everything that goes on in world today.

Comment Re:Without power? (Score 1) 813

>But that would require money for infrastructure investment which would create lots of jobs which would help the economy...

Which in turn takes money out of the private sector making it more and more difficult for a real recovery. Keep in mind the average time for an economic down turn is 18 months. We are at what?

We tried this in 2009, what was result? I believe little to nothing. Even the president laughed about the idea of shovel ready jobs. Take the money out of somewhere else.

Dare I mention environmental regulations. It would never get done with the EPA alone.

Comment Re:Without power? (Score 1) 813

That whoosh of the windmill is horrid. I mean horrid. All day, all night. Sounds like a low power jet engine. I used to live about four blocks (or so) from one. Everyone thought cool seems like good idea. The people including myself thought it was a great idea.

Worst idea ever. I had to move just to be able to get to sleep. The noise is never ending. So until you live near the whoosh I would be careful of what you wish for. I live three blocks from train tracks, about a mile from the interstate, I will take those.

Comment Re:Experience (Score 1) 218

Well that would be excellent to to spare some water. The problem is not all the midwest is under water. Usually only small parts are underwater. And trust me if there could be method to store large volumes of water we would. We would be storing it, as we are approaching drought conditions right at a Mid Summer's Night.

Here we grow row crops, melons, cattle, hogs (yech), and horses. If we are out of water you are out of food.

Comment Let Me See If Understand This (Score 0) 218

I am not sure that I understand this. A place that is a desert, with sage brush and the works, unless it pumps in tons o' water is going to have hot days. And over a period of 50 years some of those days will break heat records in a desert. And there will be times when heat lasts several days together, just like it was when I was told the ice age is coming?

Yes this makes sense now.

Comment Great Topic. (Score 1) 448

I used the old version of these from Wal-Mart or Best Buy. These are my long time favorites. Fit nice in my big honking ear hole with the white buds. Can by replaceable soft rubber for the ear in various sizes.

I can keep them in for hours. Blocks out the whole world while I am out doing needed evils (like shopping). I cannot really hear people who may want to talk with me as I do not want to talk with them. Very little noise out for other people to hear. I LOVE THESE HEADPHONES.

Comment Welcome to Agism (Score 2) 234

In the US agism is even worse. By 35 you are out of the computer field. At 45 trying to find a job, I can't even get an interview for things I am qualified for.

Not to sure how the uni system works in Germany. In the US you need a BA first before you get to the good stuff. I have a friend who just did what some people are suggesting and do some MA level work and get a certificate. The difference between me and him is I would receive the MA which I can use in varying ways. He has certificate. Guess who did more work for their paper? No me.

Again not sure how Germany works, go do a BA online. While I had all my lower crap taken care it took me only a year to do a pile of credits as they did not limit my speed and I had experience in the field. So while people were going uhm uhm how do you do this. I was done and moving to the next assignment. There were classes that I had to take, which I could easily teach. Took me 2-3 weeks for three credits, most of the time waiting for the graders to grade. Keep in mind I already worked in the field for years. I also invested 8-10 hrs a day as I was unemployed. I did spend some time helping fellow students on the boards.

BTW I went to Western Governors Uni. Fair price donee quick. I got what i needed, a piece of paper dat says i be smurts. Now I am on some MA stuff that is much more fun. Oh yeah I started at 42.

I would suggest that if you can get a BA quickly, do it. Then go for the MBA or something like that.

Comment Re:People Are Not Taken Into Account (Score 1) 1181

So because some journalist made over the top claims, the science is false? Is that what you are saying?

Not at all, things are true regardless of how the news reports them. I looked at this from sociological POV not a GW science position. So wether or not GW is true makes no difference in my assessment.

I also could add Al Gore to the major fear mongers also. According to Al Gore we are just over three years from end of the earth.

The real problems are the hype and more pressing concerns to people.

Comment People Are Not Taken Into Account (Score 1) 1181

1. People look back and see that the claims (at least in media) have been over the top. According to Kyoto we are past the point of no return. So why bother.

2. (and more important) people are far more concerned right now about the here and now. Real unemployment over 10%. Devalue of money. Price of gas, food, housing, clothing and everything else people need. People are far more concerned with kitchen table issues right now. People are worried about the here and now not about 50 years from now or even 3 years from now.

Two Analogies.

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." -- John Adams.

Right now we are back at the level of politics and war. (Not the most perfect analogy but it will do for now.) And the GW folks wants people to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, and the rest. Just not going to happen.

OR to place this on the Maslow pyramid. People are worried about food, water, shelter (basic needs) for the future and for now or at least the safety needs. And the GW people want self-actualization or at least the esteem needs. Just not going to happen.

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