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Comment Re:Missing the point (Score 1) 206

Could you and the GP explain what it is about Facebook that makes you so angry when others use it? Do you think that given an opportunity, you would bar citizens from accessing Facebook, possibly because you look down on them or think it is for their own good? Keep in mind no one is making YOU use Facebook; I am inquiring about your anger at others' usage.

Comment Re:Lucky .... (Score 1) 169

He put $1,000,000 which in the 90s was already wearing thin as a big number to anyone except a child and the bank owner was involved in shady dealings and thought that the kid was sent there by a gang to pick up the cash when he brought the check so he happily gave him the million in cash which obviously would normally not have been so easy.

Comment Re:It's a laxative! (Score 1) 160

You've obviously never experienced the effects first hand then because I can tell you, if you go through too much Trident with xylitol gum, you will feel like absolute crap. The sugar alcohol content is high enough they print warnings on the label about it. I don't think it's far fetched to assume some people's sensitivity and the unknown actual amount in these tooth brushing MRE chewing gum supplements (which was probably pretty high since it was made to clean teeth) would lead to the gum acting as a laxative.

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