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Comment Re:Behold, our huge, mighty penises!! (Score 2) 718

This exchange is unacceptably civil for /.

I appreciate the humility of "maybe I was a little over the top." The world would be better with more of that.

I also love America, my country, for the reasons you cite (and others, of course), and agree that it is currently a bit dysfunctional. And, per our charter, it is up to We the People to change it. I shall endeavor to do my part and earn the respect you give to Americans.

Good day, Sir or Madame.

Comment I knew this 14yrs ago (Score 1) 139

This is rather old news.
My son is almost 14. We had in our birth plan to leave the cord alone for a while so he would get the stem cells.
Unfortunately, it was wrapped around his neck, and additionally tied in a true knot, so when he came out pale and lifeless, the doctor clamped it off and handed me the scissors.
He turned out fine, BTW.

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