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Comment Re:Show me the money! (Score 1) 441

There are a lot of people who the environment matters to....

Which doesn't matter one bit unless they have the money to build the wind farms, which they usually don't. The monetary cost and payback are what is going to be looked at when determining whether or not to build wind farms and how many will be built.

Comment Re:Deleted (Score 3, Insightful) 108

The problem is that it appears to be rather arbitrary. What objective criteria is used to determine what popular culture is popular enough to warrant a Wikipedia page and what popular culture isn't popular enough so everything must go? In reality I think it comes down to whether or not it is more liked or more hated by editors who hold the power there.

Comment Re:Embarrasment (Score 4, Insightful) 198

The companies that are producing these incredibly pixel-dense phone screens are the same ones that are producing a lot of the panels for monitors. I think Samsung and LG are collectively responsible for about half of the global supply of LCD panels. A quick Google search shows that the top 4 companies make up roughly 80% - 85% of the market. They're probably perfectly happy making a healthy profit and not rocking the boat too much.

Comment Probably not (Score 5, Interesting) 198

Probably not, given that most reviewers tend to focus on technical specs or other flashy points after spending perhaps a week with the device before moving on to something else. A lot of consumers are going to buy whatever costs them the least, even if they still end up paying the same ridiculous amount every month for a contract. Even then, a lot of them will take whatever the sales droid pushes on them.

When Google still owned Motorola they tried to make some quality designs that had a lot more polish than the typical Android phone, but the sales didn't follow because it didn't have the bells and whistles that attract tech geeks or the type of people who fill buy based on some shiny, new feature. Similarly, none of the sales people were pushing it for any reason (usually some kind of kickback^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hsales incentive) and so sales were poor and Google ended up dumping Motorola because they couldn't make a profit with the company.

That and if they make a quality device that lasts for three years, they can't sell you a new phone after two. Why do you think so many of the manufacturers and carriers stop providing Android updates even though the device could easily support them or a different version of the essentially the same hardware is getting the update?

Comment Re:Seems like a 180 from their previous views (Score 4, Insightful) 193

It seems more likely that Microsoft is so large that parts of the company are on different wavelengths and act inconsistently with one and other. Also, no one brings a phone from conception to market in a few months. This was probably something in the pipeline from before Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia. Microsoft could have axed it (and under Ballmer they probably would have) but I think they've realized that doing things like that for purely ideological reasons is poor business sense and that while they might have been able to get away with it in the past, the times have changed. Given that they recently made Windows Phone free for manufacturers (at least certain ones anyway) it's not like they're potentially losing out on revenue either.

Comment Re:I beg to differ. (Score 1) 370

I typically drink a lot of tea as well and it's possible to sip it at that temperature, but you wouldn't take a mouthful and swallow it. Also, when someone does drink something that hot in small quantities they're typically moving it around their mouth fast enough so that it's not staying in one spot for long enough to cause damage. Spilling it yourself is going to cause some of it to puddle or soak into clothing where it will remain in one spot for long enough to start burning.

Comment Re:Our patent system is totally broken (Score 1) 152

It's very likely that there are dozens of other ways of achieving a similar effect, much like there are loads of different designs (and patents) for internal combustion engines.

Even if this patent is worthless in the sense that anyone can get around it, it provides protection for Amazon as it's significantly more difficult for anyone else to sue them for anything related to cameras when Amazon can point out that they received their own patent for the method that they're using which is legally recognized as different from existing methods. Considering the legal fees associated with patent litigation, this patent is far from worthless if it prevents millions of dollars spent fighting a court battle.

Comment Re:I'll just say it (Score 2) 302

Wikipedia has a decent summary with some links to various research articles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aggression#Gender

It seems to be a little of both, with some differences being attributed to social norms and others being related to sex-based developmental differences between girls and boys.

That said, I'm wondering if it's a moot point as we're begging the question to begin with as we're assuming that aggression is the important factor that accounts for the difference that we're seeing. I don't know if you could expect to get an answer, but it would probably be better to ask Bezos what skills he values in his employees and what qualities possessed by his current employees lead to their hiring. Once we know that, we can have a discussion about whether these are traits more frequently seen in men and how those attributes fall into that nature vs. nurture spectrum.

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