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Comment Re:What took them so long? (Score 1) 33

the LIKE %abc% part makes it a bit difficult on the index, but overall, yeah, I totally agree with the general idea.

FB is not Google. They don't have to index the entire internet. All they have to do is let people search in the data they've entered in 3-4 different fields. How the fuck can they fail at this.

Comment the graph emperor has no clothes (Score 1) 33

One of the problems nowadays is that people put too much stock into fancy graph databases. They build apps on top of those because it's easier to persist data from a developer's point of view (no data model, no need for an ORM, no need to learn sql), but then things like search become almost impossible to do without complex and unreliable algorithms.

There's no magic. Searching requires a decent data model and a reliable indexing/partioning scheme. Young developers should stop jerking off with Big O notations and just apply common sense.

Comment Re:Not really missing vinyl (Score 2) 433

To this day if I had a thousand dollars to spend on music, I'd spend it on performance tickets rather than upgrading my sound system.

The most amazing live experience is stuff like brass bands, such as Empire Brass. No recording can give justice to the physical impact of natural harmonics of perfectly tuned brass instruments. Amazing experience.

But his works for "listener" music, such as opera or jazz, but not for pop/rock concerts, where the sound quality is not there, the event is more about decibels and the social experience. Also instruments such as guitars tend to be tuned for intervals, not chords, and this minimizes the audio impact.

Comment Re:Why do I care what Harrison Ford thinks? (Score 1) 299

I am capable of judging the finished product without having to take the word of someone who has achieved fame by some method other than judging movie scripts?

But why would Harrison Ford exaggerate the quality of the script? Sure, he has a stake in the financial success of the film, but nobody in Hollywood is going to prostitute their integrity just for the sake of money, and an occasional Oscar. I think you can just take his word for it.

I wonder what integrity means for a famous movie actor. TV used to be a big no-no but now it's cool. Same with voice-over and video games. What's left that one should not do? Infomercials? Porn? GOP fundraisers?

Comment Re: What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 2) 465

No, Americans did not "take the burden of defeating the Axis powers". That part was done by the Soviet Union. As far as the glorious victory over Japan, achieved with the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocents (also known as the biggest war crime of History), then yes, it was 100% American.

The truth is that Americans of that generation (and many others) were far from being as great as Hollywood movies made you believe. They were like the dullard who hangs out with the cool kids and that puts himself in the center of every event when he writes his diary.

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