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Comment Re:The flipside (Score 1) 105

I found the same when I started to take meeting-notes on my laptop. They were too long, not clear enough, and worst of all, I did not remember them. Went back to pen&paper and the problem went away. It is also far easier taking notes that way, as you are not working 1.5D but true 2D (remarks, arrows, etc.)

Comment Re:No difference (Score 2) 105

Same here. No difference at all for entertainment literature.

25 each is too small a study to be sure, this could be a statistical anomaly. It is also possible that they had A4 sheets for the paper version while smaller pages on the Kindle that cannot display that much text at one go. Unless they give them a proper small paperback for comparison, they could have a lot of sources of error. Also, the information how well they did is missing. The given data would fit 2 getting it right on paper and one just on Kindle.

The one issue I have with the Kindle is that reading technical books does not work too well. For them, I pencil in remarks and highlights, and the Kindle functionality for that is not really usable. Also, technical books often have formulas and pictures which do not work too well either. Still useful to carry around reference material and I would not want an A4-sized Kindle either. But a pencil-like interface for annotations and some other improvements are needed before I will go all e-book.

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