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Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 421

Of course Java was ahead of C# before C# was released. C# started out as a Java clone. Java was arguably ahead of C# for about two versions or so, although .NET learned some lessons from Java and implemented some things better (like events, properties, and generics).

C# 3+ leaped ahead by most measures with functional programming concepts such as lambdas and LINQ, as well as duck typing and more. Java has recently improved in many of these areas but I don't yet feel Java's implementation is superior.

On the other hand if you are really into functional programming, look at Scala for the JVM or F# for .NET. Those are both fantastic languages and I would personally choose them assuming my job allowed (which unfortunately it does not).

Comment Re: As a Market Lover (Score 1) 107

Where I live, savings accounts are generally in the category of "withdraw immediately without penalty". And, as a result, the interest rate is at or lower than inflation.

Anyway, the point is that inflation does not cause people to hoard. Even in your case, where you have an account that has a higher interest rate than inflation, inflation isn't causing you to hoard. You are hoarding in spite of inflation.

Comment Re:Can you say... (Score 5, Interesting) 266

This reminds me of a situation my wife dealt with a few years back. She was on a pain medication that was really the only one she had found that provided the relief she needed to get through the day. But it suddenly stopped being sold or prescribed one day.

That day, the FDA banned the drug. It cited a study that found that the drug was linked with something bad, I think maybe suicidal thoughts.

But then she found that the study was produced by the company that made the brand name version of the drug, which had competition by generics by that point.


Also, the brand name company had just created a new similar pain medication that had new patent protections. The FDA ruling effectively killed the competition of this new drug.


Mind you, that new drug is ineffective for my wife's pain. Also, the study was done over a very short period of time, had a weak sample size, and when you look at its bias, there's no way that study would have made it into a real medical journal. But would the FDA accept it (presumably along with a check with lots of pretty zeroes)? Absolutely.

Comment Re:Too small to be of any benefit. (Score 1) 179

I can clearly see a line of white pixels between lines of black pixels at 8ft.

This is a bad justification. To see why, try this experiment:

1) Create an image of a black background with a single 1px-width white line.
2) Set up a camera at or beyond retina distance.
3) Take a photo and see if you can see the white line in the photo.

I took this to an extreme, using a (crappy) 8 MP phone camera, from a distance 9 times retina distance (11.5" tablet at 1366x768 resolution from a distance of around 18 feet). The resulting photograph still displayed a visible line.

The line was faint and quite blurry, mind you. But I think it demonstrates my point, that things smaller than retina resolution don't suddenly become invisible. And this is particularly true when looking at something that is white on a black background.

Comment Re:Too small to be of any benefit. (Score 1) 179

Not sure about your eyes, but the graphic appears to be pretty close to the values I'm getting when calculating when the resolution is better than "retina" for most people.

Of course, video compression can alter your results. And sub-pixel motion can cause moiré patterns that are quite noticeable even on retina displays.

Comment Re:Magic Pill - Self Discipline (Score 2) 153

I'm glad you have lost 30 lbs. since August. I started around August decreasing calorie intake and increasing exercise, reducing my daily calorie consumption by around 500 calories per day.

Have I lost weight? Not a bit. In fact, my doctor says I gained weight.

Yes, I know some of the gain could be muscle weight, but really it doesn't seem like that is the case. I don't fit clothes any better and overall just still feel the same.

So yes, I wouldn't mind having a pill if it will help people like me who actually try and get no results.

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