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Comment Re:Why Craig? (Score 1) 518

One of the best theories I've ever heard about the Bond movies is that it's not meant as a "reboot" when they switch actors: "James Bond" is actually a code name (like "M") and it's a different agent taking over each time. Of course, that still means it should have been Brosnan rather than Craig in Goldeneye.

Comment Re:The problem is Bob (Score 2, Insightful) 183

Just R'ed the FA, and my first reaction was "Bob's an idiot."

I think you might be overreacting a bit.

First, either he is using his home PC to make financial transactions for his employer, or he is taking a laptop home that can be used to access his employer's financial institution.

Fair point, but what if Bob is accessing his own, personal bank account from home?

Second, he's installing shareware/freeware on this machine, and he does it without scanning the downloaded files or researching the reliability of the publisher.

Read the article a little more closely; it specifies an infection via cross-site scripting, not a download. I don't think he can be considered an "idiot" for not researching every search engine listing for reliability before visiting the site.

Third, he uses a browser over an unsecured internet connection instead of via VPN to the company network, which should incorporate well maintained filters and firewalls.

See point 2

Fourth, he continues to use this browser after it exhibits strange behavior.

Again, I don't think it qualifies someone as an "idiot" if they don't do a complete system security review every time their browser crashes.

Fifth, he ignores red flags like unexplained 'Safety Pass' requests.

That's not necessarily a red flag, maybe his bank rechecks this periodically; I doubt, in that case, that most people would keep the schedule of these checks handy to sniff out any suspicious deviations.

If I discovered Bob did this when he worked for me, I'd fire Bob, no matter how much the boss on the temp agency radio commercials loves him.

Again see point 2; Companies aren't the only ones with bank accounts.


Copyright and the Games Industry 94

A recent post at the Press Start To Drink blog examined the relationship the games industry has with copyright laws. More so than in some other creative industries, the reactions of game companies to derivative works are widely varied and often unpredictable, ranging anywhere from active support to situations like the Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes debacle. Quoting: "... even within the gaming industry, there is a tension between IP holders and fan producers/poachers. Some companies, such as Epic and Square Enix, remain incredibly protective of their Intellectual Property, threatening those that use their creations, even for non-profit, cultural reasons, with legal suits. Other companies, like Valve, seem to, if not embrace, at least tolerate, and perhaps even tacitly encourage this kind of fan engagement with their work. Lessig suggests, 'The opportunity to create and transform becomes weakened in a world in which creation requires permission and creativity must check with a lawyer.' Indeed, the more developers and publishers that take up Valve's position, the more creativity and innovation will emerge out of video game fan communities, already known for their intense fandom and desire to add to, alter, and re-imagine their favorite gaming universes."

Comment Failsafe against disasters (Score 1) 512

Lots of people have pointed out that this kind of power would be more expensive that just getting plain old solar from a desert somewhere, but I think an important point has been overlooked. This kind of system might still function in the face of several different kind of "extinction level events": asteroid collision, supervolcano eruption, or even a "nuclear winter"; my understanding is that this would still provide power if the atmosphere suddenly became more opaque to sunlight.

Comment Re:Have you noticed? (Score 1) 793

When I was a kid, me and my friends would work on the family farm or in a coal mine. Sometimes we fell down, sometimes we got hurt, and once in a while we even learned something.

Now get off my lawn!

You had a farm? Luxury. We were so poor we had to live in a hole in the road! And every day, we'd get up at 4:30, clean the hole, and then work at the mill for 16 hours, and when we got home out father would beat us with a rusty spade.

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