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Comment Re:How I see it... (Score 1) 1144

> Oh, let me add, that this is not the minority. This is now the majority party of the house of commons.

Republicans are the majority PARTY, but it is just a slim margin on that party that is preventing the vote. The majority of the MEMBERS of the House would support a CR at current levels.


Comment Re:How I see it... (Score 1) 1144

They are holding the country hostage because they are destroying EVERYTHING if they don't get their way on ONE piece of legislation. They have already failed to stop it 41 times.

It is NOT the majority of the House holding up the vote, it is the majority of the majority party holding up the vote. If the CR were up to a vote with no changes, the majority of the House would pass it. It is just a faction of one political party that is preventing the vote from occuring.

Comment Re:How I see it... (Score 4, Informative) 1144

Remember the Ryan budget plan that was dismissed because it was so extreme? Due to sequestration, we're actually cutting discretionary spending now at a FASTER rate than the Ryan plan proposed. So we've got more budget discipline than the Republicans initially proposed (without raising taxes).

But after failing 41 times to repeal a law that has already passed and been reviewed by the Supreme Court, they are now holding the entire budget hostage. Oh, they're willing to pass a few things that their constitutents like the most, but they're goal is to basically burn everything else until Obama caves.

And don't forget, the majority of the House would very likely vote to pass a CR if it were put to a vote. However, the House is operating under the Hastert Rule. That means it's just a majority of Replubicans blocking this vote. It's a procedural trick that has allowed an extremist faction of one party to hold the entire House hostage.

Comment Re:Oh for crying out loud (Score 1) 325

The point is that i took a half hour to check the facts about the ULA terms of service , privacy policy , in other words , all the public documentation to verify if it's explicitly mentioned anywhere that they are actually scanning the content of the email .Unfortunately , i see this nowhere .

Seriously, you searched for 30 minutes and couldn't find anything? Try this: http://bit.ly/1h8CYN8

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

McCarthyism is similar to a witch-hunt, but it's not the exact same thing. A witch-hunt is the hysterical search for something that does not actually exist. McCarthyism refers to the making of unfair allegations without due process or legitimate investigative techniques. The fact that an unfair or random allegation may turn out to be true does not legitimize the justify the technique or removal of due process. Both techniques involve terrorizing innocent citizens.

Were someone to go into a ghetto and slay all the black males between the ages of 14 and 21, they would certainly kill a few criminals along the way. That doesn't make it any less unfair to all the innocent people who are not committing crimes.

Also, the First Amendment clearly makes it perfectly acceptable to hold and express alternative politcal and economic opinions from the ruling class. McCarthy not only (randomly) targeted government employees, he also went after film makers, writers, teachers, and other American citizens.

A small number of the hundreds arrested or tens of thousands who lost their jobs may have actually had Communist sympathies, the vast majority of those terrorized by McCarthy had done nothing wrong. Simply being accused was usually all it took to lose your job and be added to a no-fly^H^H^H^H^H^Hblacklist.

Comment Re:Not just for the terrorists. (Score 1) 208

"The feds didnâ(TM)t just infiltrate and disrupt dissident groups; they made sure the groups knew that they were being infiltrated and disrupted, so activists would suspect one another of being police agents. In effect, COINTELPRO functioned as a conspiracy to defeat subversive conspiracies by convincing the alleged subversives that they were being conspired against."


Comment Re:Tiny Tiny RSS (tt-rss) and the Android app. (Score 2) 335

I'm actually happier now with Tiny Tiny RSS than I was with Google Reader. I have a lot more control and how often feeds are read, there are more options to customize the interface, and I can add feeds from my local network as well.

https://code.google.com/p/ttrss-reader-fork/ is a free (and improved) fork of the Tiny Tiny RSS Reader Android app.

Comment Re:Cool story bro. (Score 1) 427

They caught the shoe bomber and didn't seem to mind bragging about it. They had a notion that there was a plot that involved mixing liquids and, despite the fact that it's completely impossible, they still don't let travellers carry a large tube of toothpaste and they don't mind harrassing mothers with pumped breast milk. Given all the hassle that they put travellers through, I won't believe for a second that they care at all about the comfort of airline travellers. The more scared we are, the more easily they can bend us over.

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