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Comment Re:The worst kind of human beings (Score 2) 144

Should casino's be shut down because some people spend more then $10,000 a month gambling, should the NFL be dismantled because some people paid $10,000 for two seats to the Superbowl? People are paying for entertainment, just because some value it more then you or I, does not make it stealing.

Comment Not For Spies (Score 2) 162

The biggest issue with this phone is not weather it can be tampered with without the owners knowledge, but that anyone that has one of these phones will be instantly noticeable as a high value target. The only people that this device makes sense for are public figures, senators, congressmen, CEO's of large defense contractors, ... Everyone else will be better protected by following simple security precautions and not carrying around a large flag that says I'm worth the effort.

Comment Re:What I get from this (Score 1) 62

What technical implications were so hard to understand? You permit people to buy guns illegally, stop agents from arresting the smugglers and straw buyers with the cache of illegally purchased weapons, watch the weapons disappear over the boarder, but do not inform the Mexican police. How can anyone be shocked when these weapons are found at crime scenes? Multiple field agents are on record of questioning this tactic.

You are making the assumption that ignorance was the culprit is very naive. The delaying by the DOJ to release documents subpenaed by congress, then the issuing of executive privilege to stop those documents from being released even though Eric Holder claimed under oath that he nor the white house was aware of the operation, indicates otherwise. I would say giving guns to criminals certainly makes all parties involved in the operation accomplices to any crimes committed with those guns.

Comment Re:What I get from this (Score 1) 62

Traditional investigational work would have some sort of mechanism for recovering these guns or being able to track them to the end buyers then making arrests/dismantling the drug cartels, which was the stated mission objective. The problem is that nobody informed Mexican police or shared the intel with them which is suspicious since the objective was to dismantle drug cartels in Mexico. They let 1,600 guns go and had no mechanism to track them beyond the straw purchasers. Either the people running the operation were grossly incompetent and had no oversight from the DOJ or the operation had ulterior motives, either way this debacle deserved the attention it got.

Comment Re: Vegan Flu shots? (Score 1) 64

Honey is not bee poo, it's partially dehydrated chewed bee vomit. The pollen jock bee drinks the nectar and it is stored in the honey stomach and they return to the hive, the worker bee opens his mouth and the pollen jock bee vomits into the workers mouth. The worker bee then chews the vomited nectar for a half an hour which breaks down the nectar into simple sugars, the worker bees then spits the chewed nectar into multiple honeycombs so it can dry, other worker bees flap their wings in the hive to create airflow to dry the honey out even quicker.

Even though I know all of this I still love honey.

Comment Re:Lasers (Score 1, Insightful) 365

When the Navy reaches its laser goal of a 1MW laser it will be cut through 2,000 feet of steal per second. Even with aluminum, which is more reflective to light and better at dissipating heat the dwell time needed to cut through the skin is probably less then a 1/100 of a second. At mach 5 that's only tracking for 60 feet. The 1MW laser if far off but by the time seedier countries have hypersonic missiles the navy will have their Mega-Watt laser.

Submission + - How to fix Slashdot Beta? 17

Forbo writes: Since the migration to Slashdot Beta was announced, it seems all meaningful discussion has been completely disrupted with calls to boycott and protest. Rather than pull an Occupy, what can be done to focus and organize the action? What is the end goal: To revert entirely to the previous site, or to address the problems with the new site?

Submission + - Why is Slashdot ignoring the advice of so many developer articles. 2

An anonymous reader writes: Over the years, Slashdot has recycled plenty of articles about lousy UX, lousy design, lousy graceful degradation, lousy development practices, lousy community management, even lousy JavaScript implementations creating security problems. Did Slashdot read any of those articles?

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