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Comment Re: No deaths? (Score 1) 174

I want to agree with you so badly because the GP is an obvious troll... but... Don't have to wait to do what until your kid is dead? There's no vaccine. Are you suggesting everyone should take their kids for asthma therapy right away?

And THAT is why it's news. Because it's a surprise and we are caught unprepared for it.

Comment Re:It is much smaller than the iPads screens (Score 1) 116

Ya, I have to imagine they were talking about iPods and typoed the iPad --- I'm pretty sure there never was a 3.5" iPad, at least not on the market.

Also, agreed, this sounds like a very obvious slashvertisement for the specific phone they are referring to. Especially this part:

the $20 phone can do Acapela TTS, includes a 4GB memory card and works with cards of up to 32GB--easily enough for scads of pre-loaded books. Plus, the WiFi is great.

Either way, this is a terrible story.

Comment Re:A change in diet - from what? (Score 2) 588

I have completely stopped drinking sweet drinks (including fruit juices and artificially sweetened drinks).

Just want to point out, I think this is the big thing that everyone seems to miss. You can cut out soda all you want, but fruit juice can be just as bad for you and you should cut back on it, too. It is chock full of calories and sugars and sometimes acids -- Orange Juice has the same effect on your teeth as Coke, for example.

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