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Comment Re:First (Score 1) 239

> Laws and customs are irrelevant, as I criticize those frequently

This is precisely what I referred to. If they were irrelevant, there'd be nothing for you to criticize.

If you want to draw legal or political conclusions based on your personal utopic ideal, please make that clear. Because in the real legal and political world, it doesn't work. There is _no_ human society where those in power do not set boundaries on the use of recreational chemicals.

Comment Re:First (Score 1) 239

They certainly have the right when "in loco parentis" to make medical and lifestyle choices for children or for those incarcerated. There's also a great deal of long established political and legal right to prevent fraud. So please, do not throw around absolutes so carelessly when discussing law and custom.

Comment Re:Across Devices? (Score 1) 126

I don't get this.

When I'm watching something I enjoy, either via OTA HD or Netflix, the last thing I'm going to do is "quick! switch to another device!"

Watching a film, documentary or "episode" is much more enjoyable watched in one sitting. If I have to switch to another device I will watch at a later time when my attention isn't split. never watch a movie and have to go to the can?


Comment Re:In Japan (Score 1) 331

Hey, you gotta get your car home *somehow*...

If anyone thinks that it is a small number of people that drink and drive, take a look at most any parking lot outside any bar in the US>

Do you actually think all those cars are driven by the designated driver? That all those people have only 1 or less drinks?

Those empty lots mean most everyone is driving at some level of impairment. It happens and most people don't get in trouble for it, nor are they serious danger to anyone else on the road.

People naturally drive and meet at bars, they have drinks, they have to get home and they do.

You rarely see a bar parking lot very full after closing time do you?

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

So you violated the speeding law, based on an assumption about a yellow light time(which varies both per light and electrical fluctuation), thus jeopardizing others. You need to have you drivers license taking away....

By doing what I suggested I do, I actually AM driving with the general road conditions in this area...if you stop at a light that turns yellow, you will be rear ended by at least 2 cars.

The smart thing to do around here is to get your ass through the intersection in the yellow light.

But in general, no...I don't bother looking at the posted speed anywhere unless my radar detector goes off.

I find myself generally going about the same speed as everyone else on the road, perhaps a little faster than some.

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

While I disagree with the "you should never go through a yellow light" statement, I've got to question your example. Every section of road I've ever seen that has stop lights also has speed limits much less than 60 mph. Usually 40 mph max. If you're going 60 mph down a stretch of road with a 40mph speed limit, then your problem isn't the yellow light.

I dunno where you live, but no one around here really watched the speed limits THAT closely. I often drive 50+ mph on city streets and trust me, I'm not running over people, that is often the general flow of traffic speed around here in parts.

About the only time I look at what speed I'm going is when the radar detector goes off....

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

ncorrect. When you see light turning yellow, you are suppose to stop when it is safe to do so, otherwise proceed through the intersection.

In New Orleans, and most any other city I've lived in, you can pretty safely assume that it is decidedly UN-safe to hit the brakes on a yellow light, at least when it first turns yellow.

If you do so, you will be rear ended by at least 2 cars minimum.

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

It's amazing how many people who claim to have a sub 0.4s reaction time suddenly have a 4 second reaction time when faced with a yellow light.

My reaction time is just fine. I know when the light turns yellow, that if I stomp the gas, the turbo will kick in and transport me easily under the lights before they turn red.

Comment Re:Not a religious war, but it sounds retarded ... (Score 1) 245

> Why would one in his sane mind convert from CVS to SVN?

Because Subversion really is "CVS done right". It scales much, much better, it's much easier to administer and manage, and it has much better support for large centralized repositories with limited access to specific parts of it for specific developers. My transformations from CVS to Subversion have been quite straightforward, except where developers manually edited old CVS files in the repository itself and broke things years previously.

If you need the local flexibility and to have source control access when disconnected from your central repository, the 'git2svn' interface has also been invaluable.

Comment How to find the articles (Score 1) 113

Deleting the Google links is a quite serious hindrance to scholarship and informed research today. One may as well put it here (with due credit to Douglas Adams for writing this.

        "But look, you found the notice didn't you?"

        "Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'."

Comment Re:Good job, India! (Score 0) 86

It is not Islam-specific. The equivocal attitude the US displayed during the Kargil conflict — when India was clearly the injured party — is not entirely unlike the attitude displayed this year towards Ukraine (where what few Muslims reside, all strongly resent the invader).

Though Obama (as Clinton back in 1999) talks the talk of supporting the invaded victim, the US would only help with "non-lethal" supplies — and only after a significant delay.

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