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Comment Re:Low Q? (Score 1) 366

Well, your nickname suggests that you might speak swedish, so it would make my previous comment not that funny for you :) Is this an issue of mistranslation, or did you miss the relevant parts ?
In the court ruling, the relevant part seems to be pages 33-34/41, and here are excerpts (and I guess it answers my question):

(All translations are by Google translate, corrected for a few obvious mistakes, including typos in the swedish text)

Ersättning för annan skada
Marknadsstörningen har värderats till 500 000 kr.

Damages for harm
Market disruption has been valued at SEK 500 000.

Skada på filmens anseende
Omdömet av en film påverkas tydligt av den tekniska kvalitet, ljud och bild, som den visas i. En film tillgängliggörs först i de sammanhang de tekniska förutsättningarna är bäst, bio eller dvd/bluray och därefter tv och lagliga nedladdningstjänster. Att se en illegalt nedladdad film, ofta på datorskärm med väsentligt lägre upplösning än dvd/bluray och med undermåligt ljud, försämrar filmupplevelsen betydligt. Den som har sett någon av de illegalt nedladdade filmerna far typiskt sett en sämre filmupplevelse än den som har sett originalet och detta påverkar de omdömen som skrivs på internetforum av dem som har sett de illegala filmerna. Dessa omdömen sprids mycket snabbt på internet och far ett stort genomslag. Sammantaget innebär detta en skada på filmens anseende. Denna skada har värderats till 300 000 kr.

Damage to the film's reputation
Reviewed by a film greatly affected by the technical quality of sound and image, as it appears in. A movie is made available first in the context of the technical conditions are best , cinema or dvd / bluray and then television and legal download services . Seeing an illegally downloaded movie , often at the computer screen with significantly lower resolution than the dvd / bluray and with substandard sound, impairs movie experience significantly. Anyone who has seen any of the illegally downloaded movies father typically a worse movie experience than those who have seen the original and this affects the ratings given on internet forums of those who have seen the illegal films . These reviews are spread very quickly on the internet and father a big impact. All this means an injury to the film's reputation. This damage is valued at SEK 300 000.

Ideell skada
Att ett filmverk olagligt tillgängliggörs på ett sätt och i en form som helt strider mot skaparnas och rättighetshavaraas vision innebär en ideell skada. Denna har värderats till 50 000 kr.

Material damage
A film being illegally made available in a manner and in a form that is completely contrary to the creators and rightholders vision implies a moral damage. This is valued at SEK 50 000.

Comment Re:Low Q? (Score 5, Funny) 366

What part of:

I fallet med Beck-filmen beräknas skadeståndet bland annat på kostnaden för att licensiera filmen, på att delningen slagit mot försäljningen och för att den delade filmens kvalitet försämrat filmens rykte.

can't you understand ? :)

In preview mode, UTF-8 codes for å, ä and ö are displayed correctly. I used HTML entities in this note.

Comment Godwin? (Score 1) 698

The essential American leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The American follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

[...] and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Source (yes, I replaced "English" by "American")

See also noble lie.

Comment Re:Deluded ... (Score 1) 376

You should read the correspondence of the founding fathers.

Well, there's a lot of it :) Do you have (links to) specific documents that you think are explicit?

They spell out very explicitly that the right to bear arms applies to individuals,

Is the "individual" explicitly distinguished from a mobilisable citizen / reservist?

The "militia" includes all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 40, not just members of an established militia.

Which basically is what the Swiss army is, right ? Civilians with a military training than can be gathered / mobilized quickly when in need. If feel that he "established" distinction is only meaningful in the context of a modern state / army (as an example London police was established in 1829, replacing a "disorganized system of parish constables and watchmen").

and that the purpose of that right is to curb an oppressive government.

My understanding is that the opposition is between states militias and federal standing army, not between civilians and either form of government. From Wikipedia, the amendment was basically written to please the anti-federalists.

Comment Re:Deluded ... (Score 0, Flamebait) 376

a country that prides itself as the world's most free

Continuing to believe that is a sign you're delusional, not 'free'.

No, it's just a misunderstanding, in that they understand "freedom" as "the right to bear arms".
Which, by the way, is itself a misunderstanding about an amendment whose goal was to ensure a militia roughly in the same sense as the Swiss army.
The delusion would be about thinking that a gun gives you a good chance against an armoured tank.

Comment Some transcript completions / corrections (Score 1) 65

00:19 via the light guides
03:20 standard version ... s/doesn’t fit your/doesn't feature/
04:20 s/while variable displays and variable technology/while wearable displays and wearable technology now took up
05:02 at DroidCon (guessing)
06:43 view that you just want, so, a
s/we are the only company in the world/we are the only currently in the world/

Comment Re:We don't (Score 2) 295

Reading the comments, many people are confused.

If this can help people doing less off-by-one errors ;) : cardinal vs ordinal vs nominal.

Depending on the language, an element in an array is referenced by either its ordinal value (1st element, 2nd element), or the cardinal value corresponding to an offset, that is, a difference counted in elements between the start of the array (1st element) and the considered element (0 position between requested element and start element, 1 position between requested element and start element).

Nominal values are used in enumerations and map/dictionaries (sets of key-values).

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