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Submission + - Dice declares bankruptcy, sells Slashdot to Reddit (

chadenright writes: In a surprise move on 1 April, reddit Inc declared that would going out of business and reddit Inc would acquire their asset, "Free tinfoil hats were passed out at the meeting," stated an anonymous source.

Comment Re:Reminds of of something at a past job (Score 1) 765

hungHi = (word & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;

FYI, this is pretty bad. It does exactly the same as:
hungHi = word >> 16;
It is not safe if for some reason word is signed (compiler bug on an exotic platform or some programmer resolving some signed/unsigned warning by doing the wrong thing):
((unsigned)0x80000000) >> 16 = 0x00008000
((signed)0x80000000) >> 16 = 0xFFFF8000

Instead, you should use:
hungHi = (word >> 16) & 0xFFFF;

Comment Let's see... (Score 2) 177


Preferred to dysfunctional, checked.


Preferred to submissive, checked.


Preferred to illogic, checked.


Mmh, Notion-Oriented seems appealing, I'm torn on this one.

Other (List in comments)

If you want lists (and parenthesis) you want LISP and no other, period.

Whichever is right for the job

Preferred to whatever is wrong for the job, checked.

No preference

I prefer to have preferences.

Uh.. what did my old graphing calculator use?

BASIC-like says wikipedia, but I wouldn't want to use that for something serious.

Comment Crystal ball ? (Score 2) 214

can tell fads from technologies that actually endure

And are therefore defined in hindsight.

Critical thinking, not buying anything some software vendor is willing to sell you, is one thing, and betting on the right horse every time is quite another.
At some point, you can't miss the latter by being conservative and only adopting "new" technologies when they're already mature (now, if you had some sort of almanac...). Also to note, "better" does not always mean "successful".

Comment Re:Lennart, do you listen to sysadmins? (Score 2) 551

"Well, do you actually take on board the concerns of system administrators and enterprise users?" - what do you class RHEL as?


So we started writing Systemd, and Red Hat didn’t like it at all. Red Hat management said: no, we’re going for Upstart, don’t work on that. So I said, OK, I’ll work on it in my free time.

I class RHEL as "not listened to".

Comment Re:Quebec Language Police (Score 1) 578

Television is télévision.

Borrowing from French télévision, coined by a Rusian scientist.

Telephone is téléphone.

From French téléphone.

Electricity is électricité.

At least that one is right
And Frenchs don't have a word for "entrepreneur", while you're at it.
Maybe you should have chosen better exemples.

English has mostly celtic, german and latin roots, while French has mostly latin and celtic roots, so obviously they share a lots of similar words that Icelandic doesn't, as it's a North-Germanic language, which doesn't mean that Icelandic "borrows" from Norwegian, instead they share common roots.

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