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Comment Re:Can anyone out there provide a good translation (Score 1) 94

When the people who live their yearn for the good old days of queuing for potatoes and strict censorship you know nothing ever changed.

Okay, and now a translation from that into English?

Aye, commie, ya wanna live like we doin' where we liv', ya better get rid of tha' commie attitude of yours.

Comment Re:Welcome to Canada? (Score 1) 624

I always think of the crown as a referee rather than an active participant in our politics.

One whom you cannot vote to remove. One whom lives on the tit of the government in perpetuity and apparently by divine right. According to your law, the queen is not your equal. You are less than the queen. You are less than anyone of royal blood. Don't agree? Than you agree with me. If the queen was a tyrant would you still feel as happy? Do you think then you would be given a choice? Do you like your new king? If you don't, too bad. He is your king and your better by mere accident of birth. But you must submit to the whim of the king! You are his subject! Nobody has "rank" over anyone in the U.S. Nobody can tell anyone what they must or can do or say. It's freedom. I know this is an alien concept to you, so let me explain it how people in my country understand it: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. I'm not trying to be all patriotic or anything, I'm trying to illustrate the difference between you and me. I think Alexis de Tocqueville said it best, and I'm paraphrasing because I don't have Democracy in America with me:

The biggest difference I see in the democracies of America and the democracies of Europe is that in Europe the government cedes a portion of their power to the people, while in America the people cedes a portion of their power to the government.

And yes, Canada is a European [style] democracy before you argue that point.

You are a truly hilarious fellow, I got to say that. By the way, 'freedom' is the amount of things you can do, not what titles people have. The queen is not even a referee, she cannot actually do anything. She is just a formality. She cannot oust the parliament or veto a law.

She is a care-over from an older era, and we have changed the laws so she is just an expensive figurehead. So rather than talking about 'freedom' and 'universal suffrages' (concepts you clearly do not understand), you should talk about whether it is the right way to spend a government's money. Then again, a president isn't cheap either, I hear.

Comment Re:Chrome (Score 1) 585

Are you trolling? Because I am not entirely sure if you are, but I feel like responding otherwise.

No, the release schedules are just the icing on the cake. Firefox is pissing off core supporters by being crap. A browser that hogs 70% of your memory *by design* (because, y'know, that seems right for a rich-text viewer, right? And who needs to run productivity applications at the same time as a browser anyway?!) and ends up actually using more due to massive memory leaks, is close to unusable.

If it is by design - as you claim - then how come Mozilla is pushing that Firefox 7 will use between 30-40% less RAM. I am not claiming Firefox is perfect, but there is no need to spread FUD.

Right now I can't actually run Yahoo Mail. I have 4G on this baby, and 4G on the Windows box upstairs, and I can't run Yahoo Mail under Firefox unless I close it as soon as I've finished with it. Because if I run it, and don't close the tab, my PCs will be reduced to crawling, memory swapping, crapola within two hours.

Maybe you should stop using Yahoo Mail. This isn't the 90s. And maybe get an operating system that can actually manage memory.

Mozilla: listen. You know all those changes you made since 3.6? Fuck 'em. Seriously. You want to fix this, it's quite simple. Roll Firefox back to 3.6, and look into a more sane way of introducing the changes you've made since. Yes, I know it means Firefox will no longer implement one or two standards that haven't taken off yet, but it means your browser will actually become relevant again.

Please, for the love of God, swallow your pride and do it.

Do it now.

I sincerely hope they do not. Besides your peevees such as the new schedule release and your claimed RAM hogging (something which was also the case in 3.6), Firefox has gotten increasingly faster since 3.6 (my apologies for not providing a source on this, but I do recall seeing benchmarks to this effect; although, in fairness, 4 introduced multithreading which causes some slowdowns with single threading which 3.6 handled better, resulting in a percieved slowness of 4 compared to 3.6, but the issue did not persist in 5 (but few compare 3.6 to 5, people seem to do comparison between versions next to one another)).

I use Firefox because it is the only browser that is customisable enough to fit my needs. Furthermore, I admire Mozilla for sticking to their principles. I do not for a second doubt that Chrome or Opera is faster than Firefox. Or more stable. I use Opera to run Flash and Chrome to run Java Applets. But for my main, every day use, Firefox comes out on top.


Submission + - Danish rocket launcehed

An anonymous reader writes: First danish space rocket successfully launched from a platform in the Baltic Sea 20 km east of Bornholm. Todays flight was a 90 sec. testflight. Last year the LOX valve froze solid.

Comment Re:Someone gets it (Score 4, Informative) 166

*cough* paradoxplaza.com/thewesterfront/2010/9/the-drm-dilemma *cough*

What the summary fails to mention is that the company still will actively be looking for pirates on torrent sites. Paradox Interactive's approach is not to bother at all, but rather provide those with unique CD-keys additional benefits.

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