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Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 484

The first link is mostly the poles complaining that the german power grid is very unpredictable and causes problems for people trying to load balance.

Correct. But you have to read between the lines. Wind power surplus is very well predictable due to the relatively good weather reports. one problem is the weak grid between Germany and Poland, but the second problem is that the old coal plant in Poland and Germany cannot be regulated that fast.

This is something US utilities have said as well with solar and wind. It jumps all over the place and it is very hard to load balance.

You need good prediction, but that is possible.

The second article talks about how increased demand for energy as well as pressure from the EU is making poland consider building two large nuclear power plants. That isn't showing a lack of profitability that is showing vigorous demand.

Yes, Poland needs more power. But certain groups do not want that energy come from only renewable energy.

And the third article says Poland is mostly running on coal and is increasing capacity with more coal power plants.

Please quote... in german if you like... where it says that Poland's export of power is not profitable?

In the last article, they say that all these projects are under pressure due to low market prices:

Da durch den sinkenden Energiepreis die Rentabilität neuer Investitionen nur schwer erreichbar erscheint, versuchen Energiekonzerne über Kooperationen mit Großabnehmern das Risiko aufzuteilen.

As of decreasing energy prices (see also the tennet link) the profitability of new investments appear to be hard to achieve, energy companies try to control the risks by cooperating with large consumers. So while all this projects are planned, it looks less and less profitable to companies while they have to (a) block German electricity (see first link) and (b) make contracts with some consumers.

Comment Re:France is a Major Exporter of Electricity (Score 1) 484

Yes the two links are a little contradictory. The difference is, however, based on net transfers and imports/exports. The first article states, that the French think they import more from Germany, while Germany thinks the opposite.

From the article:

In all likelihood, the French are therefore counting actual sales, whereas the Germans are counting power flows irrespective of who ends up buying the electricity.

Therefore, Fraunhofer count transit as imports on one side and exports on the other side, which obfuscates transits and therefore the import export figures. In the end you only can see the general exports and imports of a country to see if it is a contributor or a consumer.

Comment Re: Not downsizing nuclear (Score 1) 484

Presently, Germany has an over capacity, due to old coal plants this is one cause for the sometimes low electricity prices. Even though, electricity is send to Norway and stored there. Of course the prices for stored electricity are higher than the production price, but the net volume of exports is still bigger than the imports. And in future we have to invest in more storage in Germany to less alienate our polish neighbours.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 484

The sources are in German. The first on is on the topic of effects of East German wind power and the effects for the polish network

On the whole energy concept of Poland

And the projects in building new gas and coal plants:

While they plan to build new plants, they also have a problem due to low prices on the European electricity exchange ( and other trading places. Therefore, many projects might be be realized.

Tennet a large energy net company shows that electricity prices on the market have declined making coal less profitable:
While coal prices may get lower due to Chinas reduced imports, running coal plant still cannot keep up with solar and wind power (onshore). (sorry from last year).

Hope that helps.

Comment Re:Puzzling Paper (Score 1) 56

DSL = domain-specific language. There is no sharp differentiation between general purpose languages (GPL) and DSLs. However, a DSL is a language with structures which cover specific domain concepts, e..g, communication. The two terms span a continuum where GPL is one extreme and DSL is the other. For example, SQL is a DSL for databases, Postscript for printing, HTML for webpages, while C is more or less a GPL.

Now an external DSL is a DSL which has its own grammer, interpreter or compiler. While an internal DSL is, for example a library with a specific set of operations/methods/functions which have a coherent meaning. For example, OpenGL with its C library interface is such an internal DSL, or XML frameworks. A classic are file operations. They can also be described as a language with rules for open, close, read, write, and seek. The language here can be defined as a regular expression, e.g., (open, (read|write|seek)*, close) or even
(open[mode=read], (seek|read)*, close) || (open[mode=write], (seek|write)*, close).

Another typical case of internal DSL are, for instance, entity classes for the Java persistence API which are in fact Java classes with specific annotations.

Your language is somewhat in the middle between DSL and GPL.

Hope that helps. You might want to read "When and how to develop DSLs" by Mernik.

Comment Re:short sightedness and anti-science (Score 1) 484

There is not anti-science going on. Renewable are just better than nuclear. It is less risky and decentralized which makes it in the end even more reliable. What we need is more storage. Presently Germany and Denmark us Norway as storage for their surplus (and the Alps). However, in future we need more local battery storage. Especially close to solar panels in houses. In Germany in some areas home owners start installing batteries, but this will improve in future when the storage becomes cheaper and easier to recycle. Research and development provide promising results in that area to come in the next decade.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 484

Beside occasional accidents and big one every 30 years. We cannot afford an accident like Chernobyl in Western Europe. Here, people are living everywhere. In addition we do not know how to get rid of the waste. And it is also expensive when you cut the subsidies. If nuclear plant owners required an insurance to cover for eventual hazards, they would be un-payable. Nuclear is not a solution. this includes the Thorium idea even though in theory it would be less risky in operation. The rest of the problem remains.

Comment Re:France is a Major Exporter of Electricity (Score 1) 484

Your statement is true for 2013 http://www.renewablesinternati...
Even though Germany is also a big energy exporter, especially to France in summer when the nuclear plants cannot be run at peak levels and in winter when all the French use their electric heating. However that changes over they year. Here is a more concise source of information on the subject:


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