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Comment Re:I have a request. (I doubt it'll be honoured) (Score 1) 649

A large number of people off-topic are still off-topic.

When the rest of the planet tells Americans that they are arrogant, this is exactly the sort of thing we're talking about.

Yet, we still manage to out innovate, out smart, out produce, out consume, out perform, and out work you guys.
Must be doing something right. Line up. Classes start at 8.

Comment Re:Ignorance usually leads to inequity (Score 1) 649

I don't think anyone does
the problem is they think evolution is backed by it either.
there are no stages observed in evolution, just giant leaps from creature to creature
the most we've seen is microevolution. longer tail. never extra vertebrate
don't question it. it's science.
people hate God and love circlejerking themselves into their designerless world where they can do what they want without him

Comment Re:A minority view? (Score 1) 649

the butthurt circlejerk is strong with slashdot over religion.

you're not allowed to question theories of evolution or random explosions of energy completely contrary to the laws of thermodynmics which expanded faster than the speed of light either

until you can stop being so ridiculous, no one will listen to you and you will continue to be funneled into /r/atheism

Comment someone wasn't paying attention (Score 1) 649

catholic church pope was in tight with the imperial rulers enforcing obedience to the catholic church.
the level of truth bending you people will go through to smear history into your own farcical concoctions is exactly why the religious folk hate you.

just. be. cool. about it all. there really aren't that many westboro baptists around. if you stop applying pressure they won't have anything to get all angry over...

Comment violate the constitution. that's a new one. (Score 1) 649

sep church/state was always about preventing "you have to do this, follow this God, believe these things", it was a puritanical reaction to the pope+king connection.
that's it.
everything is butthurt atheists bending the notion to their whims. doesn't really bother me that much, but that's what it is

Comment Re:Yep. (Score 1) 649

still not ideally fair, as the religious parents are being taxed to pay for a "religion" they disagree with.
also, sep church/state was always about preventing "you have to do this, follow this God, believe these things", it was a puritanical reaction to the pope+king connection.

presenting it as an alternative to "well this shit just popped out of nowhere for no damn reason at all and completely disobeyed the laws of thermodynamics and entropy for a good half of all time at which point it suddenly started obeying it" is not exactly mandating religious belief

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