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Comment Re:No deaths? (Score 2) 174

If nobody has died why is this news? Slow news day?

Do you have children?

From the article -

HEV68, which almost uniquely affects children, tends to first cause cold-like symptoms, including body aches, sneezing and coughing. These mild complaints then worsen into life-threatening breathing problems that are all the more dangerous to children with asthma.

Sure, having your child day is way worse than having your kid really sick, but having a really sick kid is pretty horrible as well. That's why it's news.

Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 2) 819

Yes, and flying costs more than the Greyhound bus, especially when you multiply that by the number of people in your family.

That's why there are very cheap seats, with lousy legroom. If you want a little more, you pay a little more. If it's too much, stay in the cheaper seats, take the Greyhound, or don't go.

Comment Re:How would we know? (Score 4, Informative) 819

There isn't a "little bit better" choice on domestic flights, even international flights on the same continent.

Of course there is. Lots of airlines have a "little bit better choice" option.

Here's one - About $50 - $75 more on a flight to Canada -


Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 3, Interesting) 819

one answer is to offer wider seat spacing for a little extra price on some flights

At check-in, United Airlines offers economy seats with much better legroom for a modest upcharge. On a transcontinental flight it's usually around $60 - $70.

I travel a lot for business (60 segments so far this year), often in Economy Plus, and there are usually many seats in E+ available, even when sardine class is completely packed.

People simply refuse to shell out the coin for additional comfort. I think if E+ *were* full you'd see United expanded it until eventually their entire aircraft had room leg room at a higher price.

Comment Re:Anthropometrics (Score 2) 819

Airlines are running into physical space issues. In their quest for ever more seats

It's not the airlines quest for more seats, it's the passengers' quest for even cheaper fares.

If airline A has 34 inches of pitch with a $550 ticket and airline B has 30 inches for $500, the passengers will flock to the $500 ticket.

Passengers need to start making it clear with their wallet that they are no longer going to fly lower-priced sardine airlines.

Comment Peeping Toms (Score 1) 200

Here in Vancouver it seems Peeping Toms have started using drones to peer into high rise apartments:



I would say the era of the legal 'personal drone' is rapidly coming to an end. Some people can't use them responsibly, so like everything else fun they will be banned.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Comment Re:As a chrono-American, I can remember... (Score 1, Troll) 112

Mysteriously, you are also quite happy to deficit-finance the billions upon billions it costs to incarcerate millions of your citizens.

If you want to lock up all those people for petty crimes (then throw away the key) then at least raise taxes so your citizens understand the true cost, instead of just borrowing the money to fund it. Eventually that's gonna unravel.

Comment Re:Real Problem (Score 4, Insightful) 264

Actually many (not all) of the policemen and policewomen in the U.S. are ex military.

That in itself can be a problem. Take a person who has been trained to shoot first and ask questions later and then make them into civilian law enforcement.

What could possibly go wrong?

Comment Re:you must not have done well in math class (Score 1) 214

We will do what we like, and you will always have to live with it.

Of course we will live with it - But don't expect us to accept nonsense like "We'll change our mind once a gun is pointed at us." We don't live in gun-crazy nations, so we're not going to experience that.

We're also fellow humans, so we're allowed to comment on the insanity of it all when nutballs gun down your children and you just shrug and say "Oh well, nothing we can do. Guess we better get more guns then."

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