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Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 3, Informative) 588

" Why bother nit-picking nuances or perceived contradictions in wording."

Ain't shit perceived. It's plain as fucking day to anyone who's read her bullshit diatribes over the years.

She's trying to pull back the bullshit she's said.

" Her general position that she is not against vaccines in general but only against un-safe vaccines is a valid position."

No, it's back-tracking on her own shilled and uninformed LIES.

" The only issue is: Are existing vaccines safe and could they be made safer? All else is nonsense."

Son, we were using MERCURY-BASED VACCINES for decades. I'll guarantee you McCarthy had some of those very vaccines.

This is pure hypocrisy and back-tracking because her ass has been caught in the biggest lie she's ever lived.

Whomever modded you up isn't very bright.

Comment Re:Let it die (Score 1) 510

"how do they find out you can hear?"

It's a video chat. They see me talking and responding to non-visual stimulus and it's pretty fucking obvious.

"what is "perfect" sign language?"

Anything they can understand.

"you sound like you're just making shit up.."

You sound like you don't actually work with some of these services to provide high-speed high-framerate international deaf communications networks. I do, on the other hand.

Comment Re:Let it die (Score 1) 510

Do you even know how Camfrog works?

No? Be quiet until you do.

Simply put, I run several rooms on the site. The rational deaf people come in and act like normal humans. Then they invite me over to another room, run by deaf people. Oh shit, a hearing person! BANBANBAN.

Perhaps you wouldn't look so stupid if you actually used the service I speak of.

User Journal


Well, Soylent decided to rub me the wrong way.

Anyone want 26 vulnerabilites, POC, and sample code to what their site runs on, with full VM pre-loaded with POC and code snippets for testing?

Comment Useless (Score 2) 172

" Not only is this obviously breathtaking, but when it comes to off-roading—or parking in tight urban spaces—this could change the game."

Not when the people using said vehicles aren't even familiar with the basics on how to handle and maneuver.

If you need assistance to parallel park in a tight urban space, you either need a smaller vehicle, or you need to call a cab or walk.

On top of that, you shouldn't have been given a license in the first place.

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