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Comment Re:*drool* (Score 1) 181

Maybe not doubling every 18...but the general trend is there...

WiFi speeds are about 100x faster than 10 yrs ago.
Boot times are about 10-20x faster than 10 yrs ago.
Battery life is about 4-5x longer than 10 yrs ago

Meanwhile, prices are about 1/4 what they were 10 yrs ago.

I'll take that over speed increases.

Comment Re:*drool* (Score 3, Insightful) 181

there was a time, back in the 90's (rapid progression of 286/386/486/Pentium) where you needed to upgrade your computer every 2-3 yrs or you couldn't even run the latest software...and i'm not talking hard core games...even simple stuff like word processing or the newest ver of windows.

seems like now you can get by with 5-6 yr cycles, esp with the introduction of an ssd and more ram.

Comment suspended animation (Score 1) 89

people are forgetting that no one's going to be awake or likely aging during this flight. suspended animation will be required for a trip like this and likely possible in the not too distant future (100 yrs?).

so it doesn't really matter so much if it takes 13.3 yrs or 100 yrs.

the hardest part will be that people don't do well at funding and executing projects that last more than a life time. the organizations and countries and people that launch these missions will be long gone by the time the crew arrives. there's a high chance they won't even know the mission existed and will not have the (ancient) equipment to communicate with the crew.

Comment procreation over the years (Score 1) 128

It's interesting how for most of human history people were partnering up and and having babies around 14/15 yrs old and being grandparents at 30 yrs old and great grandparents at 45 yrs for the few that were lucky enough to live that long.

Now in our highly specialized society, people are commonly having babies in the mid-30s.

Comment cheap graphics hardware (Score 1) 120

graphics hardware is so cheap these days. Even your $85 Amazon Fire TV can render some pretty awesome games...and it just keeps it seems like the real benefit isn't graphics per se but in AI and CPU processing, in maintaining massive worlds, and in enabling a uniform gaming experience across platforms/clients.

Comment allows for on demand gaming (Score 1) 120

I would think one benefit would be that you can allow for a subscription service where people could try lots of different games or play portions of games without having to download hundreds of gigs of data for games they only play a few times or when they are only playing a specific mission and don't need all the maps or game modes available.

I'm not saying this is what everyone wants or that it works for all use cases, but I imagine this is one scenario.

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