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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 0 accepted (2 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Is All washed up?

TwilightXaos writes: "US Trade Representative Susan Schwab has been quite clear and open in the past few weeks that he, and implicitly the US Trade department, would like the site shut down. He is quoted by ArsTechnica as saying
at the top of the 'notorious markets' list is Russia's, the Web's number one pay-per-download music site whose catalog consists of illegal copies of music from U.S. recording artists and other right holders.
Ars Technica also recently(last month) reported that the site,, was in danger of being shut down due to changes in russian IP law. Though that article concludes that other pending changes in Russian law, and the possible withdrawal of Russia from WTO talks for unrelated reasons could migigate the danger to the music site."

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