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Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

This "mandated" engine noise concept is so infuriating to me. We finally have the technology to remove both the air and noise pollution at the same time, but you want to add noise to an otherwise silent engine just because people aren't used to silent cars?

Absolutely! Blind people use crossing and sighted people cross the road whenever and where ever they like usually without looking or with headphones in their ears. Having quiet cars is fantastic and mandating them to be noisy just because people are to insular to take responsibility for their own lives means a lot to people people who live in cities near noisy roads.

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

Matter of fact quiet is a feature on luxury cars.

So is power.

The difference is that power is also a safety feature. False engine noise creates a false sense of power availability and even though it is unlikely to ever be required I recall a few times when real power availability has prevented an accident because someone else has not been paying attention to the road.

From a petrol head's perspective though, I find quiet, powerful cars very desirable. I suspect this will be the real hidden feature of electric cars.

Comment Re:It all comes down to payroll (Score 4, Funny) 271

Wait a minute... MBAs don't do math! They just shout slogans and business speak at each other... or they hire a consultant to do it.

MBAs leverage the synergies created by the exciting opportunities created in the emerging digital economy. They take a holistic, ubiquitous view of an organizations ability to.......BINGO!!!

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 1) 148

So, are the regulators that monitor emissions going to fly in random drones unannounced? Presumably they would at least let the plant operators know they're coming...

No. What I mean is that they could be closing down the possibility that a civilian third party, unrelated to either the operators, the regulators or any other officially sanctioned government operator, could fly drones over a Nuclear power plant to gather data, of any kind, related to the emissions of operational French Nuclear reactors.

I don't think that is an unreasonable supposition.

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 0) 148

Seems to me they just don't understand why people are flying drones over nuclear reactors and wanna be able to shoot down those drones, just in case it's a bunch of criminals.

They may also want to close down the possibility of people being able to monitor the radioactive emmissions by using drones to gather samples or carry detection equipment of some kind.

Drones may be annoying but they are also incredibly useful devices.

Comment Cinelerra (Score 2) 223

I'd like to point out Cinelerra even though I don't use it, yet.

In a similar vein though, I am a big user of Ardour, Jack and jammin to produce music. The tools are appropriate for the task and, whilst not perfect, didn't cost me money and allows me to be able to focus on my projects. Since I don't pay for the application my only investment is the time to learn it, the same reason people stick within a certain commercial platform. The difference is the Ardour project allows any financial contribution I make to be in preference of features I'd like added, improving the efficiency of my workflow. Becoming productive in complex software is the biggest factor in using it and the only incentive to change is when one type of software can do things the others can't.

I think the emphasis of these questions does not apply appropriately. It should be 'What is the current State of the Art in Video production in linux" and the answer is it hasn't caught up to the state of the art in audio production under linux.

Now before the criticisms begin, I find Ardour architecturally superior to commercial audio tools because of the underlying jackd infrastructure, not because of its feature set. I have watched the developments in the audio production space over the last decade produce change radically as they became more stable. Nothing interesting is happening in the commercial audio production space, it's all happening in Linux. As infrastructure advancements similar to jackd becomes more common in video editing the application space their will undergo a similar change - just not yet.

Any investment in time to produce an A/V product requires yielding value on a previous time investment in a skillset. When I invest that skillset in proprietary software my knowledge investment can be rendered useless overnight quite easily however, open source tools provide me with a way to protect my knowledge investment because the software has it's own intrinsic rights.

Value on knowledge investment is the value proposition of open source. You may have to put up with some bugs however, tolerating them means not incurring static initialization costs from learning over and over and that results in a permanent knowledge base, the basis for radically inventive ideas.

Comment Oversight (Score 1) 81

Until these agencies have properly mandated oversight at a level that allows them to dismiss or bring criminal charges against the offended then this situation will never improve. Realistically there has to be some sort of intelligence gathering operations for nation states and if governments are going to crack down on whistle blowers in these organizations then they have to balance it with proper legal oversight.

It is clear the issue of Quality Assurance and control within these organizations is something that is yet to be addressed because everyone is a citizen, even spies and politicians. Until that day comes all that is happening is there are a lot of gung-ho cowboys with access to a lot of very powerful tools and not a lot of respect for the people that it is their duty to protect.

Seeing these things gives me very little re-assurance that these organizations are actually performing their missions as opposed to being on some power trip. They don't create anything of value, they don't build things people can use, they subvert the work of professional IT people who are trying to protect their colleagues and customers businesses from cyber-fraud and then, they treat us with contempt because they have access to the superior resources that our tax dollars equipped them with in the first place.

Obviously they feel they are exempt from demonstrating the same form of ethics that IT professionals have to demonstrate everyday. I would have honestly expected them to act with more decorum however it seems obvious that the power trip is just too much and legally constructed oversight into these organizations is the only thing that will make them focus on the stewardship that they have been entrusted to perform.

Comment Privacy vs Security (Score 2) 199

Whilst it's a little twist on Franklin's words it is appropriate. People who give up their vehicle data privacy for lower cost insurance premiums in time will for premiums up for people who choose not to use one of these dongles.

I'm glad the insurance companies are so lax with those peoples security as to make them a target for crackers. It shows they are subject to the same type of contempt the insurance companies demonstrated in the first place. People too insular to be concerned deserve to be subject to every exploit there is.

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