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Comment In more recent news (Score 1) 147

When APB came back and went free to play, I was looking forward to it, but one of the things that bothered me was that they did away with the previous (very solid) microtransaction method. Now, you can purchase temporary weapons using in game or real cash, but the kicker is that they have limited-time-offer weapons for sale, alternatives to weapons in game, no better, no worse, which are permanent. And these weapons will set you back SIXTY BUCKS of real world cash.

Yes, it's almost enough to make you want to do a price comparison at an actual Republican convention.

Some tidbits here: That's $60, for one gun, on one character, on one server, you still have to buy ammo for it, and if the game goes under (again) you're up shit creek without an MP5. And there doesn't seem to be a way to reach the developers to tell them that this is moronic.

Comment Phenomenal! (Score 1) 238

Scientists have created a thing, made out of atoms, that can PERMANENTLY eliminate any possibility of other atoms being arranged in such a fashion as to inconvenience me? Huzzah! An infinite number of solutions posted to problems seemingly thought to be unsolvable in polynomial time! Mathematics has been defeated! Long live ...US SCIENTISTS!


Comment Blame? (Score 1) 213

It takes a special kind of person, who, when presented with lots of free time and the tools to do amazing things, says: "I think I'm going to horribly violate the entire online world today."

Perhaps I should be thankful that I'm turning my talents to more productive ends. But I doubt I'll be hired before these assclowns find work.

If you want to blame someone, we could blame Obama, whose administration has practically continued the war on hackers and then wondered "why are we so short on competent programmers?" or we could blame wall street and its "rape the economy and then blame those that tried to stop us" philosophy, or we could blame industries that engaged in military action against america, deliberately using their racketeering scheme to attack children and college students, knowingly and willfully attacking our country's supply of future skilled labor - something they did for over a decade prior to "the crash", or there's china and india who are or at least were doing so well in spite of our country's failures, or there's our own prior administration who spent countless times more money than we had or would ever have to wage war against iraq, an enemy of the terrorists that bombed us on 9/11, or there's the new fascists of america who are using the words "liberal" and "homosexual" instead of "undesirable" and "jew", or there's global climate change, or those that deny it, or sick and twisted people in power in every position they could be in...

Fuck it. When the world runs out of victims and points in my direction I'll be happily enjoying life on Mars, in my secret volcano lair at Olympus Mons, with my consciousness-infused computer "phylactery" keeping me immortal, enjoying the ability to do in the real world what we do online now.

Comment hahaha (Score 1) 223


Lemme get this straight:
You expect teachers to TEACH, from home, to students who can't even behave themselves in a normal classroom, while said students are effectively at home lounging around surrounded by stuff to distract them. It only takes one student being naked/topless/whatever for said teacher to suddenly be a felon. It only takes one student playing starcraft in the background to create enough of a distraction to negate the lecture. It only takes one absent student in the web conference to create a snowball effect.


Comment Meh (Score 1) 122

Or, you could, you know, play League of Legends, where watching what your teammates do is actually part of the game, and thus, it appeals to both, and being a good spectator can actually help you in playing the game?

I was thoroughly unimpressed with Starcraft 2, because the developers seem almost hell-bent on refusing to innovate. If you really want to see something amazing and you're pointing your eyes at the RTS industry, be sure to take a look at the mod developers, because they've done far more impressive work.

Comment Re:A silly question (Score 1) 135

I always try to visualize it from both sides - as many times as a floppy was made secure that way - it could just as easily be made unsecure - those aol floppies could be made read-write by literally cutting a hole where the floppy was sealed read-only.

They probably couldn't find a feasible way of including a physical switch ON the usb side of the device, though that would be pretty sweet.

And then there's the convenience versus security aspect of it - I can remember plenty of stories of aspiring astronomers and photographers who can't seem to get their telescopes/cameras working because the lens cap is on. It doesn't take but a few seconds or minutes to miss something huge.

Comment Re:Oh goody, another ten years then (Score 1) 1855

Complete BS.
These are outliers. There are hundreds, possibly thousands of assassinations carried out which have the exact effect desired. We just don't hear about them because they're not meant to be seen or heard. For every Benazir Bhutto or "Polonium incident" there are plenty of persons, small time to big time, who are assassinated in various means and we simply never hear of them.

Did anyone respond violently and start a war over Hoffa?
Did the situation in Chechnya suddenly experience a shift when Fred Cuny was assassinated? No!

And I bet that book doesn't show any examples that would challenge its viewpoint or assumptions.

Comment Re:Text version of the code (Score 1) 466

To add more information which is likely pertinent:
There is very careful indentation in the text, as though it may be a program or written in the form of a program. The text could be indicative of a whitespace program, though Whitespace is a programming language for the insane, and you should beware if you attempt to go down that rabbit hole.

(the three endline characters at the end of a whitespace program indicate its termination, so if there are other documents, DIGITAL documents of his, this would be the biggest indicator of such a thing)

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
