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Journal Journal: Tech Prediction: 2008 Year of the Sexbot is predicting that 2008 will be the year that sexbots become generally available, or that it could be, provided standards for the sexbot aren't any higher than those for Ugobe's Pleo. Perhaps, but what would the battery life be for a human sized Pleo? 5 minutes? Granted, that's more than enough time for many.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Kubuntu != Kubuntu

The results of installing Kubuntu are not the same as installing Ubuntu, then installing the KDE desktop environment. Even if you install Kubuntu and then the Gnome environment the results are not the same. Best results are achieved if you install Ubuntu first, then KDE. One person's experience and a mini review of the distro is outlined here.

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Remember, UNIX spelled backwards is XINU. -- Mt.
