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Comment Re:6 years of hacking with the same malware? (Score 2) 63

Do you keep track of every outbound connection from your computer to make sure that every request is made by authorized software? Or do you rely on a malware suite to report known threats? Most people are in the second boat, and if none of the providers find it, then malware can be resident for a really long time without being caught. Especially if you're good at avoiding honeypots.

Comment Re:Federal govt + cloud computing (Score 2) 120

Or you could be completely wrong about your entire post.. You don't need to build at scale, you need to build it to be able to scale. Meaning that you have separate write and read points for your DB. The read points should be an array, so you can add servers on the fly. The front end should have no dynamic data on it, just hooks to pull from the back end. Means you can independently scale front end for more users viewing, and the back end for more users interacting. When the load goes down, you delete the instances, and remove the IPs from the load balancers and arrays. It's not actually all that hard and it same literally millions of dollars a year for some of the enterprises I've worked with.

Just because you don't know how to do something doesn't mean it can't be done. Just because you'd make a bad design choice doesn't mean that everyone will.

Comment Re:Eh (Score 3, Insightful) 200

Tea Party are not libertarians. They're closer to traditional Republicans which only want the government involved in what *they* want the government involved in. Libertarians want the government to behave as though it's controlled by the Constitution, and only to get involved when people directly infringe on others' rights.

Comment Re:Just do it (Score 2) 279

http://routerboard.com/RB951G-... That's what I use. It routes to 5 separate ports, meaning you can have a second WAP for guests on a completely firewalled / routed port, even on a different IP address. It's able to act as a VPN endpoint. Used to do all the sysadmin / netadmin stuff for an ISP, running completely on mikrotik stuff. It worked well, even in really rough conditions. I highly recommend it.

Comment Re:Headline trifecta (Score 4, Interesting) 81

You can't use car batteries in your home. They make toxic fumes. You'd have to use marine-quality sealed batteries. And at the scale for your home, you're talking real money, usually around $5000-7500 in just batteries. They're heavy, bulky and take up a lot of room. Just think of putting 20-30 car batteries in your home. Plus you'll need to replace all of them every 3 years or so. If they can make a battery pack for $10,000 that's a fifth the size, lasts 10-15 years, and comes warrantied for use in specifically that method... that's a really big win.

Comment Re:No steering wheel? No deal. (Score 1) 583

Oh, well, if you don't trust it, I suppose we should can the whole project. I'll let Mercedes know that their automated controls for slowing down a vehicle to match the speed of the one in front of it, and their lane assist keeping distracted drivers from creaming minivans aren't effective enough, even though they haven't caused any issues yet.

Comment Re:One person a bottleneck doesn't create... (Score 1) 238

You peer with other carriers, not content providers, typically. Exceptions are if the content provider happens to also be in the same data center, or if they are also a carrier, ala Redbox / Verizon, Comcast / NBC, Time Warner, Google / Youtube... So they allow for no-cost peering agreements with the carrier / content provider, and also appear to allow for no-cost co-location. They probably used the word "peering" because it happens to be a hot topic in the news, and they are providing contrast to all the other content provider / carrier combos in that they are working with other people to keep costs down.

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