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Comment Re:What Oracle Wants (Score 1) 900

Yep, that's what they recommend. Let's select a random node from one of my clusters here. Each node has 3sGb of RAM, and runs linux.

Top output:

Mem: 33285824k total, 28389184k used, [...]
Swap: 30736352k total, 50592k used, [...]

So you can see that even with 32Gb of RAM, a node in an 8-node cluster is not swapping even close to 1Gb). That's a LOT of wasted disk space.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - 12 Games from the Year 2010

Mike Michelson writes: "Or at least, the ones a bunch of gamers got together and dreamed up screenshots for. This article really begs the question of just what developers will be getting out of our consoles three years from now. And whether these games are hopeless wishful thinking or not, it sure is fun to think about."

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