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Comment Why scuttle it at all? (Score 1) 572

The ISS is a modular structure; the habitats were designed in such a way that they fit together, and extend each other. Why on earth give it a static lifecycle, when you can replace those modular habitats and other components as required? It seems an unintelligent and short-sighted notion to give it such an abbreviated life when it's technically not necessary. I guess the decision is all political...funny how politics is nearly always the mechanism which needlessly destroys cool and useful things :P

Comment Re:The Secret Weapon is obvious... (Score 1) 716

Well, being the cooler sheep is obviously far more preferable ;)

This notion that Macs are more secure can last only for so long, particularly if Apple gains more market share. It works for now, but the confidence of security will only go down with any associated increase. If anything, the Mac is the easier target--the best OS X has built-in, at this point, is a firewall. Windows has at least the appearance of malware defense. Also, Windows has a firewall plus it warns you if you don't have any kind of virus protection. And I know of few who own a Mac who run AV of any kind.

So, if an appreciable increase does come such that the hacker community out there sees more value in targeting that platform, there is going to be a rather large rude awakening for the Mac user base up front.

That being said, Apple is awesome at marketing; doesn't matter how well-represented the truth is, they just make things look good.

They gained rep with the iPhone, and it grew from there. That's why we're not carrying Newtons these days...Apple didn't have the rep back in those days. Mac OS, in the 90s, was far from awesome in terms of stability. People had prejudices against their platforms because of that, I'm sure. Perhaps that's also part of why Palm took off as it did. It's also part of why so many flocked to the Windows platform, and why Windows (at least in the PC realm) has such a huge share today.

Comment Dark Ages Coming? (Score 2) 484

I could see a gigantic consequence of this being that people go online for the quick answer and people start losing the ability to conceptualize exactly what that answer means--they'll be so wrapped up in finding the right and narrow answer that their point of view in the subject matter will be greatly narrowed. I think we've seen it manifest itself already in the past couple of decades.

A great concept, this notion of mass cheating on an overwhelming level (or so it seems) when you're talking about passing a test or turning in a paper. But, in the long term, I could see this concept as being a tool to humanity's intellectual demise.

Not that there's any way you can stop it, I suppose. It's like a train that you see coming in the distance, and you're entranced by it like a deer in headlights and it seems there's nothing you can do to move out of the way.

I don't think for an instant that cheating kids get excited about learning new things. I think they're just trying to do what they can to get the A, and little do they know they're potentially trading out a little bit of cognitive enrichment pertaining to the subject on which they're so desperate for that answer to get that A.

Not to say I didn't have my own bouts with cheating back in the day (I'm only human). In retrospect, however, now I can see the bigger picture a bit better. And I can also see how it likely robbed me of some of the essence of the subject...and, if you're getting a degree in higher education, aren't you there because of a certain passion for the subject? In that case, shouldn't essence be everything? A physics professor of mine once said it best: it's not all about the answer, it's all about the journey.

I'm an advocate of the notion that you learn more when you fail than when you succeed; stumbling through to come to a wrong answer can be more beneficial than breezing through to get the right one.


7Gbps Wi-Fi Networking Kit Could Launch In 2010 156

Mark.JUK writes "Wireless Local Area Networking (WLAN 802.11) adapters capable of speeds 'up to' 7Gigabits per second could be in stores by the end of this year. The Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig), which seeks to advance the worldwide adoption and use of 60GHz wireless networking technology, has published a unified specification for its approach and opened an Adopter Program. The move means that WiGig members can now begin developing a Wi-Fi kit that uses the unlicensed 60GHz spectrum."

Researchers Demo Hardware Attacks Against India's E-Voting Machines 179

An anonymous reader writes "India, the world's largest democracy, votes entirely on government-made electronic voting machines that authorities claim are 'tamperproof,' 'infallible,' and 'perfect,' but last week security researchers proved that they can be manipulated to steal elections. A team led by Hari Prasad, Professor J. Alex Halderman, and Rop Gonggrijp released an awesome video that shows off hardware hacks they built. These machines are much simpler than e-voting designs used in the US, but as the research paper explains, this makes attacking the hardware even easier. Halderman's students at the University of Michigan took only about a week to build a replacement display board that lies about the vote totals, and the team also built a pocket-sized device that clips onto the memory chips, with the machine powered on, and rewrites the votes. Clippy says, 'It looks like you're trying to rig an election ...'"

Mpeg 7 To Include Per-Frame Content Identification 273

An anonymous reader writes "NEC has announced that its video content identification technology has been incorporated in the upcoming Mpeg 7 video standard, allowing for each video frame to have its own signature, meaning that even minute changes to the file such as adding subtitles, watermarks or dogtags, and of course cutting out adverts, will alter the overall signature of the video. According to NEC this will allow the owners of the video to automatically 'detect illegal copies' and 'prevent illegal upload of video content' without their consent. NEC also claims that its technology will do away with the current manual checking by members of the movie industry and ISPs to spot dodgy videos."

Comment Re:"for civilian use" (Score 5, Insightful) 167

There were some pretty hefty reassurances during the Clinton Administration about the nature of nuclear proliferation when they gave North Korea nuclear reactors; they'd never make nuclear weapons as a result of having the reactors. Flash forward to a week ago, and they've detonated a ~20KT nuclear device. Some of this may just be the government playing C.Y.A., and flashing a "Don't Panic" sign. And, as you point out, dirty bombs aren't that hard to make. They may not have the bang that their fission/fusion cousins have, but they'll certainly make you miserable.

Comment Hmmm... (Score 1) 737

...like most MSM coverage doesn't mention any privacy implications.

Yes, because privacy really is a right outlined in the Constitution of the United States...oh, wait...*flips through the Bill of Rights* Nope! Implications are largely subjective, so don't even start down that road :P

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