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Comment Re:please no (Score 1, Insightful) 423

The Earth warms, it cools, it warms, it cools.
Models will NEVER be accurate enough for any real predictions, causes or illustrations. Why? Because the input to the models will NEVER have enough, or even appropriate data. If we don't have the Oceans data, and we don't, as highlighted recently by the breakthrough in mapping, we couldn't even begin an approach to modeling the future. What else don't we have? Other criteria, bits of relevant information, which acts on other data, producing results unknown, which again makes up the whole. No, this modeling business could be done on ALL the worlds computers networked together and you'd still have shit. Simply, you don't have enough criteria to accurately say, one way or the other, let alone pinpoint anything.
          I'd love to see the gravity models and the data on magnetic poles with compensation for shift. Yeah, thought so...
Leave predictions to gypsies, weathermen, stock brokers and sports pundits. All are on par with a flip of the coin even with all the data they crunch. Don't tell me how damn accurate science is predicting fuck about the Earth.

Comment Re: monkey see monkey do (Score 1) 126

I know a Chinese buffet w/salad , sushi, fresh produce and also the same stir fried, tempura laden, sweet n sour goo that you see the heifers shoving in their grind hole. Not many can resist the lure of the ginger, duck sauce and chili oil , siren call.
It would be interesting to observe a health club eating alongside the triplechin set.

Comment Re:monkey see monkey do (Score 1) 126

No ,but it is also an example of the basic functions of OUR brains, which is where the overloaded stimulus goes once our capacities for conscious thought have topped out.We call it the animal brain, which all animals posess no matter how smart or dumb their species. Caveboys are an example of a layer of thought above that, Iron age man organized conscious thought even better and so on. Modern man doesn't multitask infinitely, he load balances destructively.
We, as people do more and more mindlessly because of concentration on the myriad of distractions around us. It may explain some violence in our "civilization" , as well if not sexual issues and fear responses.
Also, not supporting a university who would support the janitor as a tenured professor is a layer in thought above your capacity.

Comment Re:America = snowball (Score 1) 126

Yes, portion control IS the problem. You see, our lives have become so complex, our brains are always trying to handle more than they should. To offset the load on our conscious thinking, we go on autopilot, with more primal thinking using the layer beneath consciousness; the animal brain, our base functions handed down through genetic memory. Think of it as the Basic programming language for the animal kingdom. People and all others have been PROGRAMMED through survival of the species to eat until full. It takes conscious thought to overcome this. People are capable of this, provided they do not have to relegate basic functions back to base instruction sets. I think upon examining what I have stated here, you can also apply this to the other 3 functions as well and solve other social ills. Fighting; we are taught to sublimate this to negotiation through activities like debate fueled by logic and reason, when this breaks down, battery occurs.Flight; people can react to fear stimulii by logic and reason of conscious thought and overcome their fear to furtherance of their enrichment or they can run like a cat with kerosene on its butthole. Fucking; well, we can look at the effect of logic and reason in mating over the troubles occurring from mating like the base animals we come from, no matter how fun it might be at the moment.

Comment Re:Ethinomics (Score 1) 141

Because there is seldom anything ethical in the law.
Laws are external regulators, ethics come from within.
External regulation requires a host of legislation, enforcement and judiciary.
Internal regulation is self contained, costs nothing and wastes no time of others.
Yes, Facebook needs to be ethical over law abiding. I don't care to throw money at it to keep it law abiding. Money needs to go to IMPORTANT things instead.

Comment Re:America = snowball (Score 1) 126

A lot of additives, preservatives, were approved in the 70s.
Look at the list on the back of any snack wrapper. Look at the amount of oils, salty preservatives or just plain sugar/corn syrup present.

Unfortunately this article is more about a scam to resell knowledge we already possess as something new to $tudy.
The more intricate and involved "Americans" lives get, the less their ability to overcome with logic their base animal brains directives about feeding in a pack situation.
Obesity is less about the quality of foods in this problem and more about eating thoughtfully. When your mind is focused on all the facets of American life, it is not focused on the plate in front of you. They are then on autopilot with regards to feeding. The animal brain then says" Look! the fat one is eating ALL the food, so get as much as you can and eat it as quickly as you can, so no one gets your share of the kill" Quite literally, this is what happens. It requires NO money for further study and the professor involved needs castrated and relegated to the custodial dept. of whatever institution he professes for.

Comment Re:monkey see monkey do (Score -1, Flamebait) 126

Wow, the ol' S word; Study. It really looks to me as though someone took the already known behaviors from "pack mentality", engrained behaviors in our base animal brain, then painted it another color so they could say "look at this pink elephant, give me money to study it"

I wouldn't give them money for the Coke machine down the hall!
I will make this simple and it won't cost you a dime.
The animal brain, still a subset of our supposedly advanced brains, is divided into 4 main tasks; Feed, Fight, Fuck and Flight. Pretty much directives any living units need to survive as a species on this planet. Here we deal with a subset of the Feed directive in which the pack eats more, faster in order to get a share of what amounts to the pseudo-kill (buffet food) from an imaginary Fight directive. Translation; the pack knows the obese party will eat like the Alpha-animal, so they increase their intake before the kill is gone. You will find, they eat faster than normal, as well and are more likely to return for another plate. All this is done without the NEED for any conscious thought, because it is already programmed into our base layer.

No, don't give them any money! Fire the professor and don't send your kids to THAT institution. What complete bullshit and a waste of time.
Let's all pay more for what we already know. Jeez!

Comment Re:In Business for the Wrong Reasons (Score 1) 185

Yow, the famous Chicago politics! Nice stroke of luck to have that neighbor.
I think my caveats are pointed more toward the Fed as entrance to a nightmare.

Yeah, probably a lot of approaches, but, like mathematics , there are a lot of constants and similar considerations, as well.
Business schools might be a good place for some to start, dunno, I never went. Although, I could recommend joining an MLM, even if it is not your thing, just for the education you get with it. It turned out , not my thing, but, their constant meetings and conventions are filled with universally good data for any business that I can imagine.

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