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Comment Re:Secularism (Score 0) 694

Faith is a disease, one that has caused more death and suffering than any other throughout human history.

Wrong. Atheism has it beat by miles and miles.

Riight, because soo many people are killed by athiests for insulting the flying spagetti monster. Or failing to convert to atheism. Or because the tenants of athiesm commanded them. Or because they though it would be a one way ticket to athiest paradise. Any person can figure out alternate sources of morality given even a cursory amount of thought. Anyone who says they can imagine no other source of morality other than religeon (theirs) is an idiot or a troll.

Comment Re:I'll auto-Godwin myself (Score 0) 385

I have to step in and say that forced sterilization and destroying the pleasure centers of the brain may not be such a bad idea in limited narrow cases. Forced sterilization is probably a good idea for convicted pedophiles and rapists. I wouldn't be against destroying the pleasure center of their brains either in the case of repeat offenders.

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