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Comment Re:They don't want to (Score 2) 477

Notably, four representatives on the committee—Darrell Issa (R-CA), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Jared Polis (D-CO)—are fighting against SOPA all the way. Issa proposed an amendment yesterday that would have gutted the worst parts of SOPA out of the bill, though it unfortunately failed. Chaffetz's appeals to the potential compromise of DNSSEC finally got the thing shelved until real Internet experts can testify before the committee.

As the chief opponents of the bill are equally split, it shows this isn't a partisan issue (for once) but largely a who-is-bought-and-paid-for issue. I've watched a fair amount of the committee's meetings. The actions and attitudes of the bill's proponents has been shameful. Lamar Smith (R-TX), SOPA's sponsor, appeared determined to railroad the thing through the committee as-is no matter what. That he accepted a temporary end to discussion on the bill is a minor miracle. Smith basically lives in Hollywood's back pocket.

Comment Re:Nothingtoseeheremovealong (Score 5, Insightful) 853

It's true that Apple often leaks things for PR, but it doesn't do it like this. It plants things in publications like the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times by calling up journalists, giving pointed hints, and leaving no paper trail. That way, both Apple and the publication have plausible deniability about everything: for Apple, it was just some rumor, and for the papers, it could have been a misunderstanding.

Apple sure as hell leaks things, as every tech company does in some way, shape, or form. This, however, is not how it operates. Specs and price points get leaked, not actual hardware. The iPhone is its big baby, and Steve prefers to have a big reveal on stage in San Francisco when announcing his precious new devices.

Comment Universal? (Score 4, Interesting) 210

If there's a company that stands to lose from having a non-standard input scheme, it's definitely not the one that has >90% of the desktop market. I mean, if you not only have to learn a new OS, new shortcuts, in some cases new applications, and now a new input scheme, it seems that Apple would be erecting a new barrier to Mac adoption, not encouraging Mac adoption. If Microsoft implements gestures of its own (like what it has said it'll do in Windows 7), I'd bet those are more likely to become the standard than Apple's gestures.

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