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Comment Re:Phht (Score 1) 110

MOD PARENT INSIGHTFUL! as long as the search/index software can be "really fast" compared to what we can do today, it'd be a really simple application to write: a mashup of facial recognition, records lookup @ doctor (requires hack into secure db), social networking "interests" grep, etc...

Comment Re:they are worth it (Score 1) 345

In all seriousness though, just because programmers aren't perfect doesn't mean you shouldn't review their work products. Think of the excuse "oh programmers aren't perfect so let's skip reviews" - why don't you also say "oh well humans run tests, and humans aren't perfect, so we should skip the tests too, just ship it." Code reviews are a form of testing (on the upward slope of the V-model). Testing should not be skipped, although yes it can be argued that the worthless tests should be skipped. At risk of repeating what a lot of people have said in this discussion already, tests shouldn't be discarded just because they're painful - they should be discarded if metrics show they're worthless.

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