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Comment Re:a scientist believing in the Holy Quran (Score 1) 900

Allah tells us what we need to know. Qur'an is not a science book. It's a book of guidance. For 99% of all practical purposes earth-centric system of reference is what is needed. We say sunset and sunrise, not "earth rotating from/to darkness to/from sunlight".

You started from the things you found in Quran and found questionable (never mind they are from somebody else's site - "critical" thinking my butt), when I gave you very simple explanation, now you are complaining about things you DON'T find in Quran.

BTW, the Greeks you mentioned had many other theories, none of which became dominant and revolutionary in their times because the scientific method did not exist at that time as an established paradigm of thought.

If you are going to continue insulting my faith by using terms "stupid", "ignorant" and "crappy", please, let the parent comment be the last one, I am not going to answer any of your questions anymore.

Because religion has no basis at all. What evidence do Allah would have, to be more believable tan fairies? Show me one VERIFIABLE evidence please. Why not keeping it quiet instead of dictating nosense like such stupid pseudocientific assertions? How about sexism? Do you agree to consider women inferior? How can a rational person be muslim, when you know that? EXPLAIN PLEASE.

Comment Re:a supposedscientist believing in the crappy qur (Score 1) 900

15:19 does not mean that Earth is flat.

21:33 The sun and moon are orbiting the earth.

That's true. Have you heard of system of reference? Inertial and what not?

System of reference? A PHd in physics can't get a better excuse? The ones awarding your PHD should be sued. How do you explain Aristarchus having it clear that Earth was not the center of the Universe and Allah not? How come Eratosthenes even had estimated the diameter of Earth with awesome accuracy and Quran shows ZERO scientific foreknowledge, having the same stupid scientific flaws that ignotaant people of such time had? Please honor your PHD and answer DIRECTLY and with CRITICAL THINKING.

Comment Re:U.S. is established on religion, so (Score 1) 900

That is exactly what I am saying: they do not mix. They do not mix in reality and they do not mix in mind. They are separate, they are for different things.

As soon as you realized that scientific approach is applicable only to part of what we experience, you will accept the logic of what I am saying.

How come an omniscient god be so IGNORANT about science? http://www.islam-watch.org/Others/Muslims-Science-in-the-Quran-Fantasy.htm What's the rational explanation?

Comment a supposedscientist believing in the crappy quran? (Score 1) 900

Give me one the most "impressive" and "obvious" "absurdity" from that list and we will talk on one item, because I do not have time to discuss all the points.

How about starting with these:

15:19 "And the earth - We have spread it and cast therein firmly set mountains and caused to grow therein [something] of every well-balanced thing." The earth is flat? How can a omniscient allah ignore that earth is spherical? same in 50:7

21:33 "And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming."? The sun & moon orbiting the earth?

In concordance, then we get 27:61 "Is He [not best] who made the earth a stable ground and placed within it rivers and made for it firmly set mountains and placed between the two seas a barrier? Is there a deity with Allah ? [No], but most of them do not know." Earth doesn't move?

Here is MORE MATERIAL http://www.islam-watch.org/Others/Muslims-Science-in-the-Quran-Fantasy.htm

Comment Re:U.S. is established on religion, so (Score 1) 900

Bullshit. I have Ph.D in physics and I am observing Muslim. The dichotomy is false and its enough that your Christian right-wing crazies are perpetuating it. Don't join the bandwagon from the science side.

How can a PHD in Physics deal with these ABSURDITIES in Quran and be an 'observing muslim'? http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/science/long.html PLEASE EXPLAIN US.

Comment How slashdot grant points? (Score 1, Interesting) 515

I don't care if it's "medical" or not. Are his customers (patients) happy with his work? If not, they should be the ones suing and criticizing.

This blatant attempt to justify pseudoscience (and a poorle reasoned one) is given a 2, why? Isn;t this site for GEEKS, shouldn't the score be given in a more numerical, logical, VERIFIABLE way? Now, to the pseudoscience defender, following your reasoning, religion should be allowed to scam believers, we have no right to criticize because believers are happy to be victim of brainwashing? What about warning other people? Second, if they make claims, at least they don't label such empty claims as 'science'. How unaceptable is to ask for this basic common sense?

Comment Re:This shows how far down the toilet we've gone.. (Score 1) 948

When I was a teen in the mid 60s, I lost count of all the times I got the belt by my father. I guarantee you those "belt-of-education" sessions settled me down such that I made it thru US Army boot camp without a Courtmartial and a stay at Leavenworth. Damned kids now think they're entitled to everything and the parents, IF they even care about the kid, they bend over and give the damned kid whatever he wants just to shut him/her up. All the parents are doing is reinforcing the kids entitlement mentality. Of course the kids are smart too.. If the parents DO try to discipline the kid, the kid often threatens to call Child Protective Services, in short, blackmailing the parent. I realize that getting the belt by my father taught me clearly that the world does NOT revolve around me. When I met my wife back in the early 80s, we made a concious decision not to have kids as it was begining to look like the early "nanny state" would prevent me from discipling any kids we might have as my father did. Based on what I just said, I have a funny feeling his daugther needed a good visit with the belt. Looks like a bit of blackmail by the brat of a daughter...

There's no excuse to beat a girl, even if he'd be a very spoiled girl, that would be the parents fault, cause when you're a responsible parent, you don't need violence to teach your kids manners and values. . And in the video, it's not just some ass whipping, he keeps yelling at her and beating her for over 7 minutes, it's not like she killed someone.

Comment Would he be so brave with a man who can fight? (Score 2) 948

It's easy to be so brave with a young girl who can't defend herself. He should be put on a UFC cage against a man who can kick his ass. There's no excuse to beat a girl, even if he'd be a very spoiled girl, that would be the parents fault, cause when you're a responsible parent, you don't need violence to teach your kids manners and values.

Comment OS future usage is more important (Score 1) 800

iOs can only run on Apple iPhones and iPads, Android in any other kind of equipment (not only smartphones and tablets) and brand, for developers, Android is more attractive if you see it that way, I see some parallelism of what happened with Apple and IBM compatible PC at the 80s. . Siri is far from being a killer app, IMO, the former consideration is clearly more important.

Comment Bells&whistles or improving privacy features? (Score 1) 98

There's one annoying behavior in FB, not fixed until the last time I verified it. When you comment something on a person's wall, such comment appears in all your contact walls, and there was no way to avoid it, supposedly because the owner of such wall must decide that, not you. How hard was to build, via programming, a feature that would allow the option 'This message will be visible only in this wall' or 'Do not allow this comment to be forwarded to other walls'?

Comment THINK ABOUT IT: Ants talking to humans (Score 1) 279

Just think about it....a civilization capable of interestellar travel, would have a HUGE intelligence&knowledge advantage to humans .....an advantage far bigger of the one we have compared to ants... . Now think about this scenario....imagine humans are capable of developing a device that would allow us to communicate with ants....what would they say us? . 'I have to eat', 'I have to efecate', 'I have to port this food to our home'......how soon would be keep interested on their 'messages'? . Now think about us trying to talk to them......do you think they'd understand even the most basic notions about Science, Phylosphy, Art? . Don;t you think that something similar would happen with an advanced alien civilization trying to have communication with humans? What's you opinion?

Comment Re:Headline Is So Very Wrong (Score 1) 1193

Who gets back more money than they paid? Certainly, when I was young and poor, I got money back at the end of the year, but never more than I had paid in withholding. I see people make this claim all the time, that poor people get more money back than they pay in taxes, and I just want to know, uh, how do they do it?

No one I know vilifies the rich for being successful. In fact, people tend to idolize successful achievers. IF they deserve that success. People love it when smart, plucky, hard working go-getters make it big, but they hate it when conniving sociopathic weasels do. And quite frankly, for every one upstanding rich man who made it big without stepping on anyone along the way, there are ten selfish, amoral pricks who fucked anyone and anything that got in their way. It's not the bad apple that spoils the rich bunch, it is the one lone good apple that somehow resists the all encompassing rot.

Now look at the people who really make a difference, the scientists and engineers who actually make the world a better place. Despite the fact that there work is infinitely more important than that of so called 'industrial leaders' who are mere paper pushers adding nothing of benefit to human society, these scientists and engineers are almost never rich, unless they come from a rich family, or happen to be sociopathic enough to stab their friends in the back when the time comes.

Remember, if you are making a quarter of a million dollars nowadays, you are barely upper middle class. "Rich" doesn't start until you hit eight figures. I know a lot of middle class Americans think they might become rich someday. They won't.

Shouldn't a separate thread should be done about this? Why is that the human civilization allowed the the most contributing members of the mankind in different times (Socrates, Da Vinci, Galileo, Newton, Pascal, Mozart, Beethoeven Pasteur and a lot of etc...) have always been in certain ways, servants of corrupts bureaucrats? Isn't there a way to prevent the weathiest and most powerful humans are mainly parasites, not producing nothing really worthy and/or creative on their own? a legacy for the mankind? Just think about it....who were the wealthiest and most powerful men in Socrates era? in Galileo era? did they deserve to have more wealth and money than Socrates, Galieo, Da Vinci or Mozart?

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