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Comment Re:Eheh (Score 1) 407

Asking for a MS only solution in an open bid is NOT an open bid. If I make an open bid for cars as long as they are made by ford, then it is not open.

I'm all in favor of adding unnecessary car analogies, but man, that one is so analogous that it adds absolutely no explanatory value.

Comment Re:indoctrination (Score 1) 425

Yeah, this is nothing new. My school system implemented a system like this years ago. My school system assigned 6-digit student IDs when I was in 4th grade or so, probably around 1997. I don't remember when we implemented debit accounts for lunches - maybe 5 years later. It's convenient.

Comment Re:Social change causes corporate insanity (Score 3, Informative) 490

That's right - "gay" has been used for "lame" for decades now. The problem is that it is *also* used to indicate homosexuality.

While we're at it, let's note that "lame" has been used for "undesirable" for some time. The problem is it is *also* used to indicate physical disability.

It is difficult to keep up with what offends people, indeed.

Comment Re:The Japanese have a word for it too: Waapuro-ba (Score 2, Insightful) 508

Literally meaning 'word processor-stupid', it refers to someone whose kanji-writing ability has suffered due to over-reliance on the kanji conversion systems used to input Japanese text in a word processor or computer.

English speakers could find a similar use for this term, describing people who have forgotten (or never learned) how to spell due to relying on spell-checkers.

Comment Re:Call me a extremist if you want (Score 1) 706

There are very few crimes that should follow someone around for their whole life - sexual offenses and first degree murder spring to mind

Why is it that if a crime is of a sexual nature, you are willing to import a harsher sentence, or are less willing to eventually forgive it?

Comment that's a rather human-centric definition of count (Score 1) 162

If you think more abstractly... There's no reason that "counting" has to denote that you mentally encode a number in decimal notation. If you can remember some nontrivial quantity, regardless of what process you use to recall it, I see no reason why you can't call that "counting".

For example, we can say informally that a pushdown automaton has the ability to count, because it can retain some unbounded memory of the number of symbols it has encountered. The information is there, even if you can't directly ask it and get an answer like "613".

Comment looks like AT&T's strategy turned against them (Score 4, Insightful) 249

You live by your customers being idiots, you die by your customers being idiots.

I'd bet that if AT&T has decent voice coverage and spotty 3G, it has benefited from a lot of customers not realizing that those coverage areas can be different. Verizon's ad turns the same ignorance against them, and now they're upset about it.

The notion of a mobile phone service provider suing anyone over being misleading is astoundingly ironic.

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