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User Journal

Journal Journal: Observations about /. the mod system

You know guys, i actually read this site for the news. Sometimes (when i can be bothered/have the time/am procrastinating REALLY HARD) i post.

Not that often tho.

In the last few weeks, i've managed to shift my karma from positive to excellent by following a few little guidelines that i noticed, and that seemed to work well. Here is a brief list of things i have noticed about karmawhoring.

1) Post quick. More people view an article right after it has been posted. More people = more votes.

2) post closer to the root of the thread. Less people seem to be willing to look at/moderate shorter threads.

3) replying to anons won't get you modded up. If people browse at +1, they'll most likely never see your post (unless they have the reparent option turned on, and then you'll just lose context.)

I didn't really go out of my way to get karma.. that is, i only posted on stuff that actually interested me, i DID reply to anons (especially those ones who trolled me, hi guys!) and i often had drawn out conversations (well, several posts) that i knew no one else would ever read.

If having good karma is important to you (i dunno, maybe you like the idea of everyone seeing what you write) then actually following those rules should give you good results.

Disclaimer: results are anecdotal. I don't claim to know anything specific about the mod system, i certainly don't know the inner workings, and i have a reasonably high UID. Oh yeah, comments are on. Troll away, kids. ;)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Friend System..

Added Stonecypher to my friends list, simply because of the informative pwnage handed out in this post. As a newb software developer/writer/game system designer, this info was supervaluable.

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