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Comment It's the battle of three armies . . . (Score 2) 239

1) The Koreans - the only ones explicitly in an army,

2) Sony - no uniforms, but that much money, media control and political connectivity packs one helluva wallop, and

3) Anonymous - (self-declared) internet "freedom fighters".

Here's to hoping the US government does what's best instead of what it does best.

Comment Google+ (Score 3, Interesting) 71

Worthless. A complete failure. Except . . .

It just so happens to have a video chat capability that integrates quite well into the Android ecosystem. It's actually superior in some ways to Skype, but (being part of Google +) nobody has ever heard of it - not even the NSA (?). Microsoft doesn't want to screw Skype up badly enough to force people to discover any of a number of alternatives. RIght now, the only thing maintaining Skype's dominance in video chat is the size of the user base. Force [Linux|Android|iOS|downlevel M$] users to find an alternative and that advantage disappears. Users are so damned fickle that way . . .

Comment Let me make sure I understand this . . . (Score 1) 118

Fixing the issue is as simple as managing PolKit authorization rules or properly managing group privileges for users.

I get the impression this means that we're looking at a PEBKAC issue rather than a software bug. Sorry, I know of no OS which can be secured against PEBKAC exploits.

Also, to exploit the PEBKAC error requires the Chair to be locally attached via the system console. Uh, hate to bust your bubble guys, but if somebody has console access (physical access) to a server they OWN that server for all practical purposes. I'm surprised they didn't note the "insert a CD and reboot" exploit for hacking a system - it's about as usable and extremely well documented.

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