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Comment Re:I remember when... (Score 0) 134

I'm as old as this guy I'm sure. And he's right but the thing isn't the TV, it's the economy, and the way people move in, and geography, and every other damn thing. Actually, although he elects to, there is NO possibility of avoiding the advance of technology. Other hand, we're all going to broil to death unless we start facing up to things as connected adults.

Comment DCMA (Adobe's song) SUCKS SO BAD .. (Score 0, Redundant) 211

Why was there no thought applied here? Why should we make
suckiwood wealthy? What is the moral rule that applies? Why make
a game of intersecuring knowledge with one another? Why would
this still be a world of pirates (DCMA) versus us when we could
actually have had a new world ?

I am an artist, by the way. There is no defense here,
except of Capitalist (valueless, useless) "values". Up until
now, we have prospered by keeping intelligence open
and online. THIS IS STUPID.

DCMA => downfall of America.

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