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Comment Re:FP? (Score 1) 942

Yes I understand it is something that each person is used to. But having a scale that is closer matched to what you experience daily makes sense to me. If the temperature scale was 0 for freezing and 0.001 degree for boiling water you would have trouble expressing the temperature in daily like accurately. Too many digits are needed, too much accuracy in measurement. When one degree difference is a bigger amount on the scale you don't need to use decimals fractions as often. And if you do need to get down to fractions, you don't need as many of them to have better accuracy. Measuring a body temperature difference of 0.1 F means you need to measure down to 0.056 on Celsius. That is the point I am making. The larger scale range over the area of temperature we experience in daily life makes it more useful.

Comment Re:FP? (Score 1) 942

Ok, the calculating of volume is a very good argument for metric. I didn't think of that one. Thanks for pointing that out. But then again, going from feet to square feet and then to cubic feet doesn't seem to hard to me. When calculating weight it may help some, but that is only if you are using water. Any other matter and you will need a factor for the density in there anyway. At that point it is just as much of a calculation using either measurement system.

The other examples don't seem to be relevant to me. If I was hooking up a heater, it would tell me how many amps it draws. I don't need any BTU factors or whatever. Perhaps I don't fully understand this example, but thing I have worked with have told me the amperage needed and it is simple to add them up to figure out the rating of the circuit. Miles and Yards are so far different in scale that they might as well be different measurements. I don't think I have even needed to convert between them or have ever seen them combined. Miles or used for long distances and fractions of a mile are as accurate as you need when you are using them in daily life. I doubt anyone ever measures something like 1278.87656 km either. It would be close enough for daily use to just use 1279 km or 1278.8 km.

Comment Re:Simple answer (Score 1) 942

No it doesn't. Having a larger scale gives easier differentiation between the numbers in it. I can adjust my thermostat by one single degree and feel the difference. With C, you would have to adjust by fractions of a degree. And measuring your body temperature would also be more accurate with a larger scaled measurement. Going from 98.6 to 98.8 tells me that there is a slight fever. In C, that change would be from 37 to 37.11. Can you even read divisions that small on the scale?

I understand that it is something you are used to either way. But it seems that basing the scale on the range you experience in daily life makes more sense than basing it on some arbitrary thing like where water freezes and boils at.

Comment Re:FP? (Score 1) 942

Yeah, I was just saying above how stupid the Celcius scale is. Having to adjust the temperature from 21.11 to 21.66 to make a slight change to the temperature of the room is much more stupid than just going from 70 to 71 F. And seeing a wide range of numbers for the difference of a cold day at 65 F and a hot day at 90 F is easier to see than having a small range that seems insignificant. But because the scale is based on something that matter not at all in how air feels to us (water freezing and boiling point) makes everything too small of a range.

Comment Re:FP? (Score 1) 942

I agree with the examples you posted. One that I have thought is a big one is temperature. A cool or chilly day would be around 65 F, while a hot day would be above 90 F. Having that range be from 18 to 32 C gives much less room to sense a difference. If the room feel to cold at 70 F, We can bump it up to 71 F and feel a difference. going from 21.11 to 21.67 C is just too small to matter. The temperature of the air around us has nothing to do with the range of temperature that water exists at between freezing and boiling so Celsius makes no sense in the real world.

I do find metric easy enough to use and have no problem with it when I use it. But I do find the arguments of being easy to convert as pretty bogus. If I measure a wall at 21 meters high, why would I ever want to convert that to centimeters or any other conversion. Even if it was 21.2 meters, it can just stay at that. I don't convert my height from feet and inches into just inches either so the decimal factors of the metric system are just not all that useful in daily use.

Comment Re:Ipadguy is retarded, he didn't make a mistake. (Score 1) 217

I find it ironic that you say ipadguy is a retard and wasn't looking where he was going, and that somehow equates to deliberate action to cause hundreds of other people problems. If he wasn't looking, then it wasn't deliberate, was it? The security dimwits on the other hand should have known the result of their actions and so they deliberately caused problems for hundreds of people.

It seems to me that you do not have a clear understanding of the word deliberate. It is truly a shame that this kind of idiocy isn't a crime... or painful. I would propose you be shot for your retarded and deliberate act of stupidity!

Comment Re:I would use this almost never (Score 1) 63

Except when you want to deploy it and get some pictures, it will already be broken. Imagine a tiny flying drone with little propellers strapped to your wrist while hiking through the woods and seriously tell me it won't get damaged by brush and branches that slap at you as you walk past. The working camera is always going to be more useful than the one that is broken when you need it.

Comment bring in the foreigners (Score 1) 365

So their argument is that they want to bring in foreign workers and if we don't let them they will send the foreigners to Canada? Either way it is no more jobs for Americans. Have they gone soft in the head, or do they figure the money they gave to the politicians allow them to come up with any old stupid excuse and still get what they want?

Comment Re:Black holes can exist without a singularity (Score 1) 356

Wouldn't it just need enough mass inside the event horizon radius? (all numbers made up out of thin air) If the 10^9 solar masses was compressed by gravity to be the size of Earth's orbit, but the event horizon was at the size of Mar's orbit, wouldn't you still have a black hole as seen from outside the event horizon?

Comment Re:Emma Watson is full of it (Score 1) 590

One study I heard about found that women ask for raises less often than men do. So even a woman that chooses to not have children may be found to make less money. It may not always be that men are holding women back. There was another study of women scientists (I think) that found that women rate each other much more harshly than men will rate them. So even other women are a detriment to women in the workplace. That's not even getting into any cat-fight like behavior that some women might enjoy.

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