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Comment Re:This is why (Score 2, Interesting) 254

I think they're both control-freaks. The difference is that stuff released by Microsoft is pretty open at first. Later they realize - oops, we should have implemented some kind of control mechanism. They try to add DRMs, genuine validations and loads of other shit with poor resluts. It's different with Apple because the first thing they write is the control, be it hardware or software, and only then they build a product around it.

Comment Re:Right (Score 1) 948

I think it might work, if w3c was doing that part (or some new division w3c+, which handles non-web stuff as well). I mean everybody in OS community is just obsessed with w3c standards and implementing them correctly so I seriously think it might work.

Comment Re:android compliance (Score 1) 204

Apparently Google doesn't care much. I talked to a guy from Google in some unconference and they think that market will force manufacturers to implement the whole spec but somehow I doubt that. I imagine nightmarish tracking activities for Android app developers to keep their "my application is compatible with following Android phones" list up to date once the new Android based models start rolling out massively.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
