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Comment ICANN is not the police, prosecutor, judge or jury (Score 3, Insightful) 113

You'd have to wait for the government to declare Brandon Gray an illegal organization or punish them some other way if you want to rely on the criminal part of the law to deal with this. That is why you want obvious criminal actions to be named in your contract as a reason to suspend/stop delivering services or payments.

Comment But they can (Score 1) 749

They have done so in the past and succeeded.

If a company does business in the USA, they can force them to comply or they will lose their business in the USA. If a company has even a single USA employee, they will force the employee or the employee will lose citizenship and/or risk detainment when entering USA territory. They will even arrest and detain foreign employees of companies not complying if they set foot on USA territory for this.

There are actual companies in the EU that will take great care to not have any USA customers or employees or be dependent on USA vendors for their IT infrastructure just because of this. Plenty of EU organizations and companies have chosen or are legally mandated not to use USA vendors for products and services and to not employ USA citizens because of this. If anything the USA is biting themselves in the ankles with this sort of legislation.

Comment power usage (Score 2) 145

If you can buy a new computer that will consume less power to do the same, chances are that within a few years you'd be cheaper off using the new hardware, even if that means that the old machine is written off completely. Scrap value, land fill or whatever happens to it doesn't matter then. I have plenty of old machines that have sentimental or "collector" value standing about my home. I don't power them on and actually buy new hardware (NAS boxes and raspberry pi) or run VMs to do things that the old hardware is more than capable of doing. My power bill has gone down since I started doing that, easily paying back the new hardware in a short amount of time.

Comment They failed (Score 2) 132

Try searching for *anything* on Google search. Over half of the results are commercial, even if you're not looking for a commercial thing. Either they failed, or they are in it for the advertisements after all. If google had balls, they'd blacklist any company that pops up with a commercial result (that they didn't get paid for) for non commercial searches. I suppose it would backlash so hard they don't want to put in the effort, or they actually failed at it.

Comment That doesn't work (Score 1) 231

"resetting" your phone to manufacturer settings doesn't wipe any data. Even manually "deleting" it and then "resetting" the phone doesn't do that. It merely marks the flash memory in the phone to be "reusable".

The only way to make sure the data is gone is to fill the phone up with garbage data after you've done a factory reset so there is something else written to the flash memory. After you've filled it up to the last bit, do another factory reset and you will be as close as you can get without destroying the physical device to wiping your data properly.

Comment Nothing New, not relevant (Score 2) 122

There are plenty of development boards that come as a base board with several CPU/RAM options on a daughter card. Just the fact that it fits in a raspberry pi case may make it a bit more interesting for some people. However, if you're truly into developing, you're either going to stick with the pi or get the board with the hardware specs you need and not worry about the form factor. If you're into the Pi as a consumer, it's most likely because of it's media playing capabilities. Unless this board will support XBMC with proper hardware acceleration, it's not going to be relevant for those folks either.

Comment The companies are merely hindring themselves (Score 1) 370

By severely limiting the type of candidate they are willing to consider, the companies are limiting themselves to a very strict model that will not allow for "star performers" to do well in that company. They will be limited to quickly going through new hires and only keeping the mediocre ones. The bad ones get fired and the good ones move on to greener pastures. This will make the whole group perform below average and recruiting costs will remain high. I don't see a need to regulate this, since the job market tends to regulate itself quite well because of this. By the way, this isn't limited to age, but also applies to gender, education, nationality and ethnicity.

Comment Instant doesn't always work either (Score 1) 240

We had polaroid and competing instant photo's back in the seventies and eighties as well. Those were used by professional photographers to check if what they envisioned was what was going to happen on print/film and not just by people taking snapshots.

The screen on the back of your camera will tell you something about your picture, but in no way will it tell you if you've made a successful photograph without already knowing what to look for and how to achieve it first. It can help you quickly adjust your exposure settings, if you zoom in you can see if you have your focus sorted out and if you have motion blur. You can watch the edges of your image to see if you've framed your shot properly and the tiny image will give you clues about your composition.

You have to know all this stuff already in order to be able to judge the picture you just took and it will take you probably about a minute to do so. During that minute, you have no time to take additional shots, while often "the good stuff" is happening right in front of you.

I have many images taken during many shoots that looked "great" on the back of the camera, but once I got back home and looked at them at a larger screen and started processing them, turned out to need a lot of work and often were mediocre at best. There are some things that a digital camera will give you instant feedback on, but having to be way more convinced about your shot because it will cost you one of your precious 36 exposures will make you take better shots just as much, albeit based on different presumptions and criteria. In the end, having to wait for the final results before you can make your ultimate judgment on your picture applies to both.

If anything, digital allows you to take more shots for the same money spent on equipment and materials and the tooling gives you much more ways to repair or improve the initial image captured. With film, you can develop the film only once and then you'll have to figure out the correct sequence and timing for how you will be exposing your print. This means that you have an extra "point of no return" in developing the film and physical limitations in what you can do exposing your print. In practice, that means that if shot digitally in RAW, you can get away with messing up your exposure a whole lot more and in post processing, you can "develop your film" differently for different parts of your image. Once you're there, you can do the same for the development of your "print", not being limited by the amount of time and how much you can burn and dodge areas of your image.

Comment Unfair competition clause is going to bite Google (Score 2) 364

Hello Google. How the fsck do you think this won't get you large fines for unfair competition practices in the European Union? By forcing people to have you represent them, you are being unfair competition to other streaming web sites and small record labels. You may have oodles of lawyers up your sleeve, but even they won't be able to get away with this in the EU.

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